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PUBLIC MARKS with tags web & django


Optimiser ses applications Django —

by ghis (via)
Quelques conseils pour optimiser les performances des applis Django : éviter les requêtes multiples, mettre les templates en cache, différer certaines actions (files)...

Créer un blog avec Django 1.2 - Gilles Fabio

by ghis & 1 other
Tutoriel sur la création basique d'un blog avec Django 1.2.

10 Django Trouble Spots for Beginners | Nettuts+

by ghis (via)
"Django is an incredibly-powerful web framework, but using it can be a bit daunting for new users. I found this out the hard way over a year ago, spending hours struggling with even the most basic of concepts. If you're new to Django, (or MVC frameworks in general), you're probably going to have to shift your thinking a bit to use this robust framework. Here are some of the issues that I had to struggle with before I fully understood them. Hopefully, this will save you hours of struggling."

A Roundup of 10 Django Tutorials |

by ghis (via)
A list of good to start playing with Django.

Dailymotion - La dure vie des développeurs web - une vidéo Comédie et Humour

by ghis (via)
Encore une parodie de la scène de «der unterdang», sur le thème du développement web.

About RESTful features of modern Web frameworks - Akei, the blog

by ghis (via)
"Frameworks like Symfony or rails (and probably many others) provide a very convenient feature named RESTful routing, aka HTTP-aware urls and controllers, generally associated with an object/url mapping mechanism to expose Model entites and several available actions on them over HTTP."

4 things to know for NoSQL Django coders - Django nonrel / NoSQL blog - All buttons pressed

by ghis
"This is the first post in a series that should give you an impression of what non-relational / NoSQL model code looks like with django-nonrel."

Create a Simple App with Django and MongoDB: Part 1 - Reza Muhammad

by ghis
Beginning of a tutorial on how to create a simple app with Django and MongoDB.


by ghis & 4 others
Pinax is an open-source platform built on the Django Web Framework. By integrating numerous reusable Django apps to take care of the things that many sites have in common, it lets you focus on what makes your site different.

★ Astuces et bonnes pratiques Django, dans bonnes pratiques, django, web frameworks sur BioloGeek, l'avis d'un freelance passionné par le web et son évolution.

by ghis & 1 other
"Développant avec Django depuis maintenant près de deux ans (ça rajeunit pas tout ça...), je suis encore surpris de découvrir de nouvelles possibilités de temps en temps. Dans mon combat pour les bonnes pratiques, je pense qu'il y a quelques bases à avoir pour se lancer dans un projet d'envergure avec Django. Je vais essayer de lister les miennes, n'hésitez pas à ajouter les vôtres pour que ça devienne une ressource collaborative."


Découverte sur BioloGeek, l'avis d'un freelance passionné par le web et son évolution.

by Emaux & 10 others
Ce site a évolué avec mes centres d'intérêts pour graviter aujourd'hui autour des frameworks web, de l'ergonomie, du web sémantique, de python et plus généralement du développement web agile et pérenne.

Snakes on the Web

by marco
There's a huge opportunity for Python to be the backend language of choice for HTML 5 web applications.


by parmentierf & 4 others (via)
Pinax is an open-source collection of integrated, but reusable apps for the Django Web Framework.


by greut & 2 others

A world-class geographic web framework

Django using adapted to a GIS backend (like PostGIS)


YouTube - DjangoCon 2008 Keynote: Cal Henderson

by nhoizey
Cal Henderson, fondateur de Flickr, présente ses techniques d'optimisation de plateforme

Debugging Django

by ghis & 1 other
Tips for debugging in Django.


Freelance Django, enfin indépendant - Biologeek : Ubuntu, bio-informatique et geekeries libres d'un bio-informaticien au quotidien.

by greut

À force d'être convié à des projets tous plus intéressants les uns que les autres, j'ai décidé de me mettre à mon compte pour faire ce que j'aime : développer des applications web de qualité avec Django.

Bravo à toi David, excellente continuation.

Lift Web Framework witj scala

by pvergain & 2 others
Welcome to the lift Web Framework lift is yet another web development framework. lift runs inside a Java web container and uses the Scala programming language for coding. lift stresses security, developer productivity, ease of deployment, ease of maintainability, performance, and compatibility with existing systems. lift borrows from the best of existing frameworks including Seaside's highly granular sessions and security, Rails fast flash-to-bang, Django's "more than just CRUD is included", and Erlyweb's scalability for Comet-style applications. lift is built on Scala, a hybrid Functional and O-O language that compiles code down to the Java Virtual Machine. Scala code can call any Java code and make use of all Java classes. Java code can call some Scala code. lift applications are packaged as WAR files and can be deployed on any Servlet 2.4 engine (e.g., Tomcat 5.5.xx, Jetty 6.0, etc.)

django-rest-interface - Google Code

by pvergain & 1 other (via)
The Django REST interface is a Summer of Code project that implements a general method offering a public and private API for existing Django models. New generic views will simplify data retrieval and modification via different web services in a resource-centric REST architecture, providing model data in formats such as XML, JSON and YAML with very little custom code. The REST interface consists of two major parts: 1. Easily configured Create/Read/Update/Delete (CRUD) method access patterns for models. 2. Resources that don't correspond 1:1 to models. More information: * Initial proposal * First mail to django-developers

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