GitHub - aofdev/vue-pwa-speech: A Vue Performs synchronous speech recognition Speech to text Google Cloud Speech With Progressive Web App
by KromeA Vue Performs synchronous speech recognition Speech to text Google Cloud Speech With Progressive Web App
Welcome - Documentation
by srcmax & 1 otherwhs.js is a framework for 3D web apps built with Three.js technology.
Welcome - Documentation
by Krome & 1 otherwhs.js is a framework for 3D web apps built with Three.js technology.
Hallo.js - Distraction-free Rich Text Editor for the Web
by Xavier LacotA rich text editor which has the great quality of being light, simple and fast while still being a pleasure to use.
Comment optimiser le code d'un site Web pour en améliorer la performance
by astrochoupeOptimisation du code JavaScript, du poids des pages, des requêtes-réponses... La conférence Velocity Europe d'O'Reilly a fait la part belle aux enjeux de performance Web.
Google Page Speed Online
by astrochoupe & 1 otherPage Speed Online analyzes the content of a web page, then generates suggestions to make that page faster. Reducing page load times can reduce bounce rates and increase conversion rates
Kendo UI - The Art of Web Development
by Xavier Lacot & 1 otherA nifty UI widgets library, very complete and which provides a very descent alternative to jQuery UI.
by Xavier LacotKranium transfers some well known practices and techniques from web development to Titanium Mobile development.
Socketbug - Mobile Web Application Debugging
by Xavier LacotSocketbug is a Remote Debugging Utility built using Socket.IO, which allows to use modern browsers to remotely debug mobile Web applications.
Eloquent JavaScript: A Modern Introduction to Programming
by Xavier Lacot & 3 othersAn introduction to the JavaScript programming language, by Marijn Haverbeke. Very complete, extensive, and well-written resource. Must read for every intern in web developement ! :-)