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PUBLIC MARKS with tags web & maps



jQuery Address Picker - Vos adresses auto complétées via Google Maps - La Ferme du web

by eledo34 (via)
jQuery address picker est un plugin jQuery UI permettant de créer facilement un widget de sélection d'adresse postale, directement lié à l'API Google Maps.

Thousand of APIs Paint a Bright Future for the Web | Webmonkey |

by oseres
Once a novel idea that seemed limited to Flickr, the web-based API is now everywhere you turn — Twitter, Foursquare, Google Maps and thousands of other sites offer up their data in the form of an API. APIs mean that third-party developers can build their own tools and mashups, which in turn helps to fuel the popularity of the web service. It’s hard to imagine where sites like Flickr and Twitter would be today without APIs. In fact, these days some web services don’t even bother launching websites to go with their APIs — the API is the service. The SimpleGeo API, for example, doesn’t really have a corresponding website, it’s just an API that can be used anywhere, including inside mobile apps.



Web Maps Lite

by philippej (via)

"CloudMade's Web Maps Lite API lets you embed our maps in your website." See also : Simple Map.


Site web d'Olbibigo dédié aux mashups Google Maps

by _Nico
Applications et liens utiles pour construction de Mashup avec Google Maps

It's your world. Map it.

by philippej (via)

Beyond editing existing information on the map, you can also add new places. ... It's your world... you know best what needs to be mapped.

Ça c'est en effet pas complètement sûr ;) is public!

by philippej (via)
« offers short URLs which encode a latitude/longitude pair, so that referencing them in emails, forums, and websites is more convenient. »


Ammap: an interactive flash map creation

by vrossign & 2 others
Use this tool to show locations of your offices, routes of your journeys, create your distributor map. Photos or illustrations can be used instead of maps, so you can make different presentations, e-learning tools and more.

Information Architects Japan » iA Notebook » Web Trend Map 2007 Version 2.0

by aromino & 3 others
The 200 most successful websites on the web, ordered by category, proximity, success, popularity and perspective.

Online Maps : 50 Tools and Resources

by philippej & 1 other (via)
« ... a list of the most interesting online mapping tools that some are referring to as “Maps 2.0″. »

Say hello to Web Analytics 2.0 | Clicky

by cvigneron & 12 others
Le meilleur outil statistique de fréquentation pour l'internet que j'ai utilisé jusqu'ici.


PUBLIC TAGS related to tag web

api +   atompub +   clevermarks +   data +   dev +   development +   google +   gp:links +   http +   interoperability +   json +   linkeddata +   économique +   odata +   opendata +   protocol +   rest +   rss +   sémantique +   social +   standards +  

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