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PUBLIC MARKS with tags web & openid

February 2009

January 2009

November 2008

snaptrip - all your trips

by Xavier Lacot
Snaptripr is a web application hat permits to match Tripr trips to Flickr pictures. Simply authenticate using OpenId on both services, and you'll get a better view of your past trips !

September 2008

A Primer for OpenID with PHP | | The AOL Developer Network

by camel & 2 others
OpenID is another one of those "cool technologies you've never heard of" type of deals. OpenID is an open source initiative that provides a way for Web users to register their identity in one place and then use that identity anywhere on the Web that supports OpenID. This means that, as a user, you don't have to keep creating (and remembering) new user names and passwords at every site you visit. And, as a service provider, you can identify and authenticate users that show up at your site without having to do all of the user management involved in giving them access. The list of services that support OpenID is growing, but not as fast as it should be given how cool and useful OpenID is. Hopefully, this article will help with that. The idea behind OpenID is fairly simple: a Web user can get an ID from an OpenID provider and use that ID to access any Web application or service that supports OpenID.

April 2008

myOpenID for Domains

by parmentierf (via)
myOpenID for Domains is a new service that helps you give members of your small business, family, or organization an OpenID URL at your own domain. Members get all the features of myOpenID, but get a URL at your domain instead of at You still own the domain, we just host the identity pages and handle all of the other OpenID stuff.

January 2008

December 2007

November 2007

OpenID Book Web Site

by greut

massive PDF book about OpenID, some good stuff in there.

A Recipe for OpenID-Enabling Your Site

by camel & 8 others (via)
This is a step-by-step tutorial guide for implementing OpenID consumer-side support with a web site that already has users with accounts. It will explain how to easily let new users sign up for an account on your site using their OpenID URL and how to let existing users attach their OpenID(s) so they can sign in using them.

October 2007

OAuth — An open protocol to allow secure API authentication in a simple and standard method from desktop and web applications.

by camel & 13 others (via)
An open protocol to allow secure API authentication in a simple and standard method from desktop and web applications.

September 2007

OAuth — An open protocol to allow secure API authentication in a simple and standard method from desktop and web applications.

by greut & 13 others

An open protocol to allow secure API authentication in a simple and standard method from desktop and web applications.

an OpenID for APIs, need some investigations

August 2007

Comment utiliser OpenId, la solution d'identification tant attendue - Biologeek : Ubuntu, bio-informatique et geekeries libres d'un bio-informaticien au quotidien.

by delavigne & 8 others
Cela fait un moment que je suis ça de loin et la sauce est en train de prendre, Tarek en parlait d'ailleurs récemment. OpenId permet de s'identifier via une simple URL sans pour autant être tributaire d'un service puisque vous pouvez avoir votre propre serveur gérant cette identité. Actuellement il y en a 4 « officiellement reconnus » mais rien ne vous empêche de créer le votre et mon petit doigt me dit qu'il ne va pas tarder à y en avoir à foison.

xtof: Comment transformer votre blog en une OpenID ?

by delavigne & 8 others
Ce ne serait pas génial si vous pouviez utiliser le même compte pour vous connecter sur plusieurs sites et applications, sans avoir à tous leur faire confiance pour leur donner votre mot de passe ? Ne serait-ce pas encore mieux si vous pouviez faire ça sans avoir à donner la main de la propriété de votre identité en ligne sur quelque partie tiers monolitique ? (Je vous regarde dans les yeux, .NET Passport Microsoft Passport Windows Live ID.) La bonne nouvelle est que vous le pouvez ! OpenID est un système d'authentification décentralisé inventé par LiveJournal mais maintenant développé comme un standard ouvert sous la bienveillance de la Fondation Apache Software. Quiconque peut créer une OpenID, et le nombre de sites qui vous laissent vous connecter avec cette identité est en train de croître de jour en jour.

July 2007


by pvergain
AroundWord is a free and open Blog Publishing System built upon the great web framework Pylons. Currently, AroundWord is in early planning and development. You are welcome to take participate in the development: Main Features * Multi-user * Atom/RSS feeds * Trackbacks * OpenID for users that want to comment (this would avoid to use anti-spam feauture) * Anti-spam * Plugin * Theme * Tags * Multi-blog ? (but with a different data base for each blog) * Plug-in system * Easy to install for end users (as easy as wordpress if possible) Development Currently, we are building the models. More details about development here ( The AroundWord team is happy to take contributions, patches and bug-fixes. We use the following code conventions: * PEP 8 - Style Guide for Python Code * PEP 257 - Docstring Conventions The Mercurial repository can be accessed via: AroundWord is a free and open Blog Publishing System built on Python using the most advanced technologies: * Framework: Tesla upon Pylons * Database Engine: SQLAlchemy + Elixir + SAContext * Templates: Mako * Widgets and Forms: ToscaWidgets + twForms + FormEncode * Authorization and Authentication: AuthKit * Internationalization (i18n) and Localization (L10n): Babel * JavaScript Library: jQuery * Site Search: Xapian

May 2007

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag web

blog +   développement +   droit +   fai +   france +   hébergement +   hébergeur +   internet +   jurisprudencec +   lixium +   loi +   éditeur +   ovh +   responsabilité +   ror +   ruby +   SaaS +   site +   vpnix +   webmaster +  

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Xavier Lacot
last mark : 07/11/2008 07:06

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last mark : 24/09/2007 08:58

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