public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags web & whatwg


Stop Justifying RDF and RDFa | Bb RealTech

by tehu (via)

I did want to apologize for assuming that the XHTML errors I had recently were due to WhatWG members having fun at my expense. I've had people deliberately break my XHTML-based comments in the past when I've written about XHTML, and the break was documented with a screenshot in the web site of a WhatWG member. I put 2 and 2 together and came up with 5. (1/10/2009)

Anne VK est taquin (see via). -- Ceci dit j'admire Shelley pour maintenir ses sites en full xhtml + extensions > svg+rdfa. Mais Dieu que la route est difficile avec des navigateurs si peu adaptés. (Firefox et son yellow screen of death)

HTML5 Evolution

by xibe & 1 other

Google’s role is not free from the perception of conflict of interest, and that coupled with Ian’s endorsed role as a dictator will affect the credibility of the outcome produced. In particular, it will give Microsoft all of the excuse it needs to avoid implementing the standards. (Not that eliminating that excuse will magically cause Microsoft to participate…)



Un peu de HTML 5 (brouillon) pour s'amuser ?

by tehu
Discussion sur le forum Alsacréations en juin dernier - rem1: beaucoup sont encore confus sur le pourquoi du HTML5 - rem2: ce genre de discussion ne se retrouve plus que rarement sur les blogs. Les `insiders` ne bloguent plus que pour évacuer leur trop plein d'émotions. : Dear WHAT WG and HTML 5 WG

by tehu
translate : "Je voudrai pousser un cri : ..... "

Communautés - Carnet Web Karl

by tehu & 1 other
Les communautés technos condamnées à répéter les mêmes travers ?


Web Forms 2 - jy[B]log

by marco & 2 others
Un brouillon des spécifications de web forms 2 conçu par le WHATWG a été publié au W3C la semaine dernière.


Web Applications 1.0

by benoit & 4 others (via)
This specification introduces features to HTML and the DOM that ease the authoring of Web-based applications. Additions include the context menus, a direct-mode graphics canvas, inline popup windows, server-sent events, and more.

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