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PUBLIC MARKS with tags web-app & css

17 May 2005

TiddlyWiki - a reusable non-linear personal web notebook

by fredbird & 12 others (via)
Welcome to the improved ThirdVersion of TiddlyWiki, an experimental MicroContent WikiWikiWeb built by JeremyRuston. It's written in HTML, CSS and JavaScript to run on any modern browser without needing any ServerSide logic. It allows anyone to create personal SelfContained hypertext documents that can be posted to any web server, sent by email or kept on a USB thumb drive to make a WikiOnAStick.

13 May 2005

CSS Formatter and Optimiser/Optimizer (based on CSS Parser CSSPP ver. 0.93)

by fredbird & 38 others
* selectors and properties are automatically merged * your code has to be well-formed. This is no validator which points out errors in your CSS code. To make sure that your code is valid, use the W3C Validator. * all comments are removed

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag web-app

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last mark : 17/05/2005 14:06