public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags webdesign & english

May 2007

Forget Photoshop: 15 Online Graphics Generators

by chunmin
Shiny edges, reflections, neat 3D effects - you love them and can’t get enough of them. Well, there’s no reason to spend any time in Photoshop creating them since there are so many tools out there that will do the dirty work for you. - Inline Blog Comments

by chunmin
LineBuzz adds inline comments to your blog. Installing 1 line of javascript lets your readers select text in your blog entries and post comments inline.

Loupe.js (now with IE 6/7 support)

by chunmin & 9 others
Loupe.js and Loupe.png allows you to add a loupe (magnifier) to images on your webpages. It uses unobtrusive javascript to keep your code clean. - TJPzoom 3 - JavaScript / CSS / DOM image magnifier

by chunmin & 5 others
If you move your mouse over the picture, you can see a little zoom window with a magnified version of a part of the picture in it.

» 25 Code Snippets for Web Designers (Part4)

by chunmin & 1 other
Today we have part 4 of our series on handy code snippets where we round up CSS, html and Ajax techniques, these are usefull resources for web designers so get them bookmarked! If you missed them, also check out part one , part two and part three.

Tango Icon Gallery - Tango Desktop Project

by chunmin & 23 others
This page maps the Tango Icon Library to the Standard Icon Naming Specification to keep track of coverage. We are also working on better descriptions including visual metaphors.

April 2007

Wordpress Theme Generator

by chunmin & 11 others
This online generator will create your own unique WordPress Theme. Without need for any HTML, JS, PHP, or CSS knowledge.

CSS Layouts

by chunmin & 12 others
These CSS Layout offers full Grade-A browser support. That means that these CSS Layout will look and behave the same in internet browsers like Internet Explores 6 (IE6), Internet Explorer 7 (IE7), Firefox, Opera, Safari and so on.

Fonts 500

by chunmin & 10 others

March 2007

The Sect of Homokaasu - The Gematriculator

by chunmin & 6 others
The Gematriculator is a service that uses the infallible methods of Gematria developed by Mr. Ivan Panin to determine how good or evil a web site or a text passage is.

by chunmin & 6 others
顯示部落格線上人數的 widget

Pearl Crescent Page Saver

by chunmin & 29 others
Pearl Crescent Page Saver is an extension for Mozilla Firefox that lets you capture images of web pages. These images can be saved in PNG format or (with Firefox 2) in JPEG format. The entire page or just the visible portion may be captured.

ColorZilla | Firefox Add-ons | Mozilla Corporation

by chunmin & 5 others
Advanced Eyedropper, ColorPicker, Page Zoomer and other colorful goodies.

February 2007

Shellscape Software, Rumshot

by chunmin & 1 other
Screenshots are a great way to show your desktop setup to friends and collegues. But why settle for thumbnail of your carefully constructed desktop?

Window Resizer | Firefox Add-ons | Mozilla Corporation

by chunmin
The Browser Window Resizer is useful for testing different screen sizes. Supports the 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768, 1280x1024, 1600x1200 resolutions. - Essential web tools in one place

by chunmin & 11 others
This is a place where web designers and developers collaborate to create an ultimate collection of web-tools. Only the most useful and current tools will be considered to be on the list.

Widgetbox › Directory of web widgets for WordPress, TypePad, MySpace and other blogs and web pages

by chunmin & 41 others
Widgetbox is a directory and syndication platform for web widgets for blogs and other web pages. Our widgets work with TypePad, WordPress, Blogger, MySpace as well as most other blogs, sidebars or websites. No plug-ins are needed, and they're free!

January 2007

Icon-Sammlungen — Software Guide

by chunmin & 2 others

signbot - make your own animated scrolling text LED sign

by chunmin & 1 other
Write some text and click Generate Sign to make your own animated scrolling text LED sign to use on MySpace, as your forum sig or avatar, or anywhere else. Regular Mode will let you create a sign in three sizes and with up to 100 letters.

Spiffy Box - Simple Rounded Corner CSS Boxes made easy.

by chunmin & 11 others
The Spiffy Box is really just an automated way to create the code and image needed to employ Ryan Thrash's now infamous ThrashBox.

Google PageRank Checker - Check Google page rank of any web pages

by chunmin & 3 others
By adding our Page Rank Checker tool to your site you can check the rank (check PR) of all your web site pages right on your web site.

flickr logo maker

by chunmin & 16 others
you can make flickr style logo.

Active users

last mark : 29/05/2007 03:19