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PUBLIC MARKS with tags webdev & animation



by Krome & 3 others
Velocity is a jQuery plugin that re-implements $.animate() to produce significantly greater performance (making Velocity also faster than CSS animation libraries) while including new features to improve animation workflow.


Easing Functions Guide de référence

by Krome & 2 others
Easing function précise la vitesse d’exécution d’une animation pour la rendre plus réaliste. Un objet réel ne commence pas son mouvement instantanément et à vitesse constante. Lorsque nous ouvrons un tiroir, nous devons d’abord indiquer son accélération puis sa décélération. Lorsque quelque chose tombe, sa vitesse de chute va de plus en plus vite puis, lorsqu’il touche le sol il rebondit. Cette page permet de choisir la fonction désirée.




GX - Full-Featured Javascript Animations Framework

by Krome
GX is a full-featured, cross-browser, super-tiny (10kb uncompressed) Javascript Animations Framework. Using GX you can create complex animations working with every w3c CSS property.


Kwicks for jQuery

by nhoizey & 12 others
Welcome to the Kwicks for jQuery home page. Kwicks for jQuery is a plugin that simulates the insatiably attractive Mootools effect of the same name

jQuery Tutorials for Designers

by nhoizey & 8 others
This article contains 10 visual tutorials intended for web designers and newbies on how to apply Javascript effects with jQuery.

Shadowbox.js Media Viewer

by nhoizey & 6 others
Shadowbox is a cross-browser, cross-platform, cleanly-coded and fully-documented media viewer application written entirely in JavaScript.


PUBLIC TAGS related to tag webdev

bind +   click +   event +   jQuery +   plugin +  

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last mark : 12/06/2014 10:01

Jeremy B.
last mark : 09/02/2010 20:53

last mark : 29/04/2008 15:21

last mark : 03/11/2005 21:55

last mark : 24/04/2005 09:22