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PUBLIC MARKS with tags weblogging & outils


Gist — GitHub

by philippej & 1 other (via)

"... great-looking ways to display code on your blog."

Peut-être pratique pour afficher du code dans un blog ou sur un site.


What’s new in coComment ?

by philippej & 1 other
"...coCoCrawler has arrived, and will keep an eye on your conversations for you."


Ping shot

by philippej
A propos de l'état de la blogosphère et des services de ping.

Are we done with TrackBack now ?

by philippej & 3 others
"...deciding between deleting a ping that adds absolutely nothing, and leaving it for interested readers to follow, only to find that it's nothing more than a link back to where they just were".


La liberté, ça a un prix - Neokraft Blog

by philippej
Libre vs Free : le travail ça se respecte même quand on ne paye pas.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag weblogging

humour +  

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last mark : 15/11/2008 20:26