October 2006
Bugmenot.com - login with these free web passwords to bypass compulsory registration
by fragless & 70 othersFind and share logins for websites that force you to register:
September 2006
Chumby Industries
by jackiege & 5 othersA compact device that uses the "wireless internet connection you already have to fetch cool stuff from the web: music, the latest news, box scores, animations, celebrity gossip...whatever you choose. And a chumby can exchange photos and messages with your
Treemo - Welcome to Treemo
by jackiege & 1 othervia mashable可通过网站/邮件/手机上传图片/视频/音频/博客并组织内容/收藏最喜欢的内容/在手机上观看频道
RecipeThing: Your recipes, at your fingertips.
by jackiege & 2 otherslet you organize your favorite recipes, share them with your friends, use them again and again./Lets you save, tag and share your own recipes. Use the menu planner to decide what's for dinner and print out a shopping list.
August 2006
Liusee - 六色图影 - 你的图片发布和共享空间
by jackiege所有图片都可外链,直接复制图片代码,可用于论坛、贴图。可设置保护模式,非好友无法查看和外链。支持游客免注册上传。不加水印。
My Recipe: Let`s share recipes
by jackiege & 1 other食谱分享煮菜社区Share your favorite food recipes with the community.
July 2006
Snipplr - Code 2.0
by jackiege & 19 others (via)Snipplr gives you a place to store and organize all the little pieces of code that we use everyday at work and in our own projects. Best of all, it lets you share with other coders and designers. Did we mention it works with TextMate, too? It's code 2.0.
June 2006
Filemobile Alpha
by jackiege & 3 others以PC/手机/email等多种方式对音/视/图等介质发布存储organize and share their media with the world. Lets you upload any file to your online account by email, PC or phone. Post to your blog, record video, share RSS feeds, and more.
DropShots - Free Video Hosting & Photo Sharing. Upload Video Now!
by jackiege & 8 others免费用户可上传500张图片,10个2分钟录像
Blinking (aBitCool WiFi公社) into on Blinklist
by jackiege (via)via http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/591eeecd0100045i