May 2008
Work Happy Now!
by springnetMaximizing your work happiness should be the theme of your working life. Happiness creates success. When you stop putting in the hours and start extracting joy from work, you'll be successful.
April 2008
About JD Lasica
by springnetJ.D. Lasica is one of the world's leading authorities on social media and the revolution in user-created media. A writer, strategist, blogger and consultant, he is the co-founder and editorial director of, president of the Social Media Group
January 2008
SecTheory - Internet Security
by springnetHave you ever just wanted to sit in a small room with a few likeminded professionals and get some tough questions answered? Ever wanted the right ammunition to tackle the tough web application security issues on your plate? Welcome to The Austin Project.
April 2007
Slow Leadership: Why Pick on IT?
by springnetISR, the US employee research firm, has published data that suggests people working in IT have a worse time than other professionals when it comes to long hours and overwork
December 2006
10 tips for time management in a multitasking world » Brazen Careerist
by springnet & 4 othersRemember that a good time manager actually responds to some things more slowly than a bad time manager would. For example, someone who is doing the highest priority task is probably not answering incoming email while they’re doing it. As Markovitz write
July 2006
(6 marks)