March 2006
Gamers With Jobs Press Pass » Blog Archive » Interview with “Geometry Wars” Creator, Stephen Cakebread
by bcpbcp (via)Geometry Wars has been hailed as the “Halo of Xbox Live Arcade” referring to the relative popularity of the game. Intoxicating, frustrating and addictive all in one, Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved provides a constant challenge and level of enjoyment, a siren song to gamers enticing them to play just one more game before hitting the sack. More than 200 thousand gamers, roughly a quarter of which actually paid, are currently wearing out their thumbs and roundly cursing one man, whether they know his name or not. That man is Stephen Cakebread, the designer and developer who crafted this gem for Bizarre Creations.
February 2006 » Blog Archive » Top 10 Casual Games Portals
by bcpbcpIf I was to put a short list of the top 10 by volume (not performance) I would say
1) RealArcade (Gamehouse)
2) Yahoo Games
3) Oberon Network : Pogo, AOL (non exclusive), MSN, Xbox Life, and so on
4) Zylom
5) Shockwave
6) BigFish Games
7) Boonty Games
8) TryMedia (Because of AOL)
9) Reflexive Network
10) Gamefiesta, Arcadetown, Iwin, Wild Tangent
November 2005
(3 marks)