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PUBLIC MARKS with tags xhtml & lang:en

January 2007

SliceIt. Convert your designs into beautiful code.

by Krome & 2 others
We take your designs, be they psd or png, and convert them into semantically correct, valid, and beautiful XHTML and CSS code.

SliceIt. Convert your designs into beautiful code.

by srcmax & 2 others (via)
We take your designs, be they psd or png, and convert them into semantically correct, valid, and beautiful XHTML and CSS code.

November 2006

Amberjack: Site Tour Creator - Simple. Free. Open Source.

by fredbird & 28 others
Amberjack is a lightweight Open Source library, enabling webmasters to create cool site tours. By guiding your site visitors, Amberjack tours can greatly improve the usability of your website. The Amberjack JavaScript library is lightweight (~4K), stable, LGPL licensed, browser compatible, set up in 2 minutes & super-easy to customize. Best of all, nothing must be installed or learned. Use the Tour Wizard to create great looking and helpful tours for your site or intranet application.

October 2006


by fredbird & 4 others
OpenSearch is a collection of simple formats for the sharing of search results. The OpenSearch description document format can be used to describe a search engine so that it can be used by search client applications. The OpenSearch response elements can be used to extend existing syndication formats, such as RSS and Atom, with the extra metadata needed to return search results.


by fredbird
Je suis l'auteur du noyau générique webAppKit, et du quizz en ligne collaboratif quizzGeek. Chacun de ces deux projets a déjà son propre blog, donc je parlerai surtout ici de choses plus générales, dont quelques librairies génériques sur lesquelles ils s'appuient; et que j'ai également la plupart du temps commises.

June 2006 > OpenSearch

by fredbird & 8 others (via)
OpenSearch is a set of simple formats for the sharing of search results. Any website that has a search feature can make their results available in OpenSearch™ format. Other tools can then read those search results. For example, here is an aggregator that brings together search results from many websites:

January 2006

The future of HTML, Part 2: XHTML 2.0

by fredbird
In this article, I'll examine the work of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) in creating the next-generation version of their XHTML specification, and also their response to the demand for "rich client" behavior exemplified by Ajax applications.

ongoing · Don’t Invent XML Languages

by fredbird & 4 others
Here’s a radical idea: don’t even think of making your own language until you’re sure that you can’t do the job using one of the Big Five: XHTML, DocBook, ODF, UBL, and Atom.

November 2005

September 2005

August 2005

July 2005

Accessible DHTML Technology Preview

by nhoizey (via)
Accessible DHTML is now possible due to work that IBM is doing at the W3C, within the Firefox codebase, and with leading assistive technology (AT) vendors. The new standard allows authors to develop desktop-style widgets such as tree views, menu bars and spreadsheets that are accessible both with the keyboard and assistive technologies such as screen readers.

June 2005

Annotating images with CSS

by fredbird & 10 others
some techniques to display annotations on images using only xhtml and css.

Simon Willison: getElementsBySelector()

by fredbird & 2 others (via)
Inspired by Andy, I decided to have a crack at something I've been thinking about trying for a long time. document.getElementsBySelector is a javascript function which takes a standard CSS style selector and returns an array of elements objects from the document that match that selector.

The Community Engine Blog: xFolk Entry 0.4 — Microformat for decentralized tagging

by fredbird & 9 others
xFolk Entry 0.4 is a new iteration of the xFolk microformat that is extremely easy to implement. It enables the publication of tagged bookmarks so that they can be harvested on the web and aggregated into folksonomies. As such, xFolk eliminates the need to rely on centralized data repositories to create folksonomies.

May 2005

Content with Style: A CSS Framework

by fredbird & 20 others
a CSS framework, allowing rapid development of sites with pre-written and tested components. All that's really required to produce this is a set of naming conventions and a flexible base template...

More About Custom DTDs: A List Apart

by fredbird & 1 other
why making a custom DTD for the sole purpose of validation is a mistake, and in which cases it does make sense to create and use one. For these cases, this article will also present techniques for creating clean custom DTDs and avoiding hacks.

Jesse Ruderman » Valid XHTML user script

by camel & 2 others
The Valid XHTML user script is an adaptation of the blogidate XML well-formedness bookmarklet. It shows a line of text under each textarea indicating whether the text is well-formed XHTML.

Jesse Ruderman » Valid XHTML user script

by fredbird & 2 others
The Valid XHTML user script is an adaptation of the blogidate XML well-formedness bookmarklet. It shows a line of text under each textarea indicating whether the text is well-formed XHTML.

Showing and Hiding a DIV using CSS and Javascript

by RUDEWORKS & 8 others (via)
There are many situations encountered when designing a webpage where showing and hiding a div using a link is useful.


by fredbird & 3 others
domCollapse allows you to collapse and expand parts of page by clicking other parts of a page. To identify a trigger element, you add the class "trigger" to it as an attribute. This will automatically collapse the next following element in the document tree.

Active users

last mark : 04/01/2007 12:54

last mark : 04/01/2007 12:40

last mark : 06/11/2006 10:00

last mark : 02/09/2005 08:51

last mark : 02/09/2005 08:32

last mark : 19/07/2005 15:34

last mark : 17/05/2005 17:26

last mark : 12/05/2005 10:25