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PUBLIC MARKS with tags xml & jabber

June 2006

Programming Jabber: Chapter 5: Jabber Technology Basics

by parmentierf & 1 other
The aim of this chapter is to give you a good grounding in the technology and the protocol. In the Preface we likened Jabber to chess: a small set of rules but boundless possibilities. And, indeed, that is the case. In this chapter we cover identification within Jabber -- how entities are addressed. Related to identity is the concept of resources; we look at how that relates to addressing, as well as its relationship to presence and priority. The Jabber protocol is in XML, which is streamed between endpoints. We look at the details of these XML streams and see how they're constructed. Comprised of surprisingly few basic elements, the Jabber protocol is small but perfectly formed. Each element of Jabber's protocol will be reviewed in detail. With this chapter under your belt, your understanding of Jabber fundamentals should be complete. Everything else is strategy, planning, and endgames.

Quand Jabber ne sert pas qu'à la causette - ItinéraireLibre

by parmentierf & 4 others (via)
Jabber est, la plupart du temps, comparé aux logiciels de messagerie instantanée (IM) tels que ICQ, MSN, AIM... Et pourtant, l'IM n'est qu'un des aspects du protocole, qui est avant tout un moyen de faire circuler de l'information sous forme de flux XML.

April 2006

February 2006

3bubbles Beta

by yoshigi & 9 others (via)
Bringing Chat to the blogosphere

January 2006

December 2005

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag xml

apml +   attention +   format +   h2 +   idact +   identité +   marketing +   profil +   profiling +   protocole +   réseau social +   standard +   tag +  

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