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PUBLIC MARKS with tags xml & mac


XMLmind XML Editor

by rmaltete & 4 others
XMLmind XML Editor allows to author large, complex, modular, XML documents. It makes it easy mastering XML vocabularies such as DocBook or DITA. More »


Editix Lite - Free XML Editor

by ycc2106 & 1 other
EditiX is a powerful and easy to use XML editor, Visual Schema Editor, XQuery Editor and XSLT debugger for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X designed to help web authors and application programmers take advantage of the latest XML and XML-related technologies such as XSLT / FO, DocBook and XSD Schema. EditiX provides users with an extensive range of XML functionality within a refined IDE that guides you with intelligent entry helpers. EditiX has realtime XPath location and syntax error detection. Helpers are also provided with context syntax popup supporting DTD, Schema and RelaxNG. EditiX supports multiple templates and project management. User can apply XSLT, XQuery or FO Transformation and show the result with a dedicated view. All the process can be managed by shortcuts. Working locally is managed with OASIS XML Catalogs. EditiX includes default templates with XML, DTD, XHTML, XSLT, XSD, XML RelaxNG, SVG, MathML and XML FO.


Le convertisseur Open XML pour Mac enfin disponible

by cascamorto
Bien qu'il ne propose qu'un support partiel, le premier convertisseur des formats Microsoft Office 2007 pour Macintosh est disponible en version beta 1. Il transforme les documents Word créés sous Office 2007 en fichiers RTF, exploitables par tous.



by jpcaruana
AquaXSL is a free Cocoa-based developer tool for Mac OS X Tiger that serves as a basic XSLT 1.0 authoring/debugging tool.

Scandalous Software :: Cocoa Developer Tools with Sass.

by rmaltete & 1 other (via)
Cocoa Developer Tools with Sass. XML Nanny, XML-RPC Client, AquaPath, SOAP Client, AquaQuery, AquaXSL, OttoMate


Editix - XML Editor

by parmentierf & 2 others
XML Editor and XSLT Debugger available for Windows, Unix/Linux, Mac OS X


Apple - RSS Information

by roberto & 1 other
All the news about Apple on RSS.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag xml

as3 +   blog +   e4x +   lang:en +   snipets +  

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