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PUBLIC MARKS with tags xml & mozilla


XPather | Firefox Add-ons | Mozilla Corporation

by CharlesNepote & 1 other
Feature rich XPath generator, editor, inspector and simple extraction tool.


XML in Firefox 1.5, Part 3: JavaScript meets XML in Firefox

by parmentierf & 3 others (via)
In this third article of the XML in Firefox 1.5 series, you learn to manipulate XML with the JavaScript implementation in Mozilla Firefox. In the first two articles, XML in Firefox 1.5, Part 1: Overview of XML features and XML in Firefox 1.5, Part 2: Basic XML processing, you learned about the different XML-related facilities in Mozilla Firefox, and the basics of XML parsing, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), and XSLT stylesheet invocation.

by stan & 18 others (via)
The XML User Interface Language (XUL) is a markup language for describing user interfaces. With XUL you can create rich, sophisticated cross-platform web applications easily.


by fox_b
Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) は、2次元ベクトルグラフィックのための XML マークアップ言語です。

Bookmark Synchronizer SE

by zboog & 2 others
BMSync SE (Second Edition) is my personal contribute to Bookmark Synchronizer, a Mozilla Firefox extension by Torisugari.

XUL Tutorial

by macroron & 4 others
This tutorial describes XUL, the XML User-interface Language. This language was created for the Mozilla application and is used to define its user interface.


Mozilla Developer Center

by sdaclin & 16 others
[EN] La page incontournable pour les développeurs web qui respectent les standards

Projects:TestGen4Web - Spike Developer Zone

by nhoizey & 4 others (via)
There is a need for a tool which can record user actions on firefox. Save the recording to an xml file, also replay the saved recording. The output of the recorder can also be translated into automatic testing scripts such as httpunit, selenium, simple-test etc.

Developer Webwatch : votre agrégateur va adorer ;-) - Standblog - Tristan Nitot sur les standards du W3C, les navigateurs et la technologie

by cherbourg & 1 other (via)
Developer Webwatch de la Mozilla Foundation (il y a bien sûr un Flux RSS2 WebWatch). WebWatch aborde les sujets du développement Web façon 2.0 (faute de trouver un meilleur nom) : Ajax, standards, technologies XML, etc.

Developer Webwatch : votre agrégateur va adorer ;-) - Standblog - Tristan Nitot sur les standards du W3C, les navigateurs et la technologie

by nhoizey & 1 other (via)
Developer Webwatch de la Mozilla Foundation (il y a bien sûr un Flux RSS2 WebWatch). WebWatch aborde les sujets du développement Web façon 2.0 (faute de trouver un meilleur nom) : Ajax, standards, technologies XML, etc.

XUL, la partie visible du framework Mozilla (XPFE)

by Monique & 4 others (via)
Une alternative sérieuse dans le monde des clients riches.

IE -> Mozilla Guide for Web Application Developers

by redyrod & 5 others (via)
Even though Web Standards exist, different browsers behave differently, sometimes even the same browser may behave so on different platforms.

IE -> Mozilla Guide for Web Application Developers

by Monique & 5 others (via)
Even though Web Standards exist, different browsers behave differently, sometimes even the same browser may behave so on different platforms.

Create Web applets with Mozilla and XML

by mbertier & 4 others (via)
Mozilla's simple and flexible XUL saves time when building Java-less applets

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag xml

ajax +   chemistry +   programming-development +   reference +   science +   ui +   web-design +  

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