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xml rpc - Google 搜尋

by feision
所有網頁 關於 xml rpc大約有104,000 頁繁體中文搜尋結果,這是第31至40項

Zoundry - User Guide

by feision
Blog Platform Account Type API Used Endpoint URL and notes Blogger Atom URL not required. File upload and categories are not supported. (Need FTP to host images.) MSN Spaces MSN Spaces XML-RPC URL not required. File upload is not supported. (Need FTP to host images.). MSN Spaces allows only one category per post. Post entry date and time can not be set to a future date and time. MSN Spaces will always use the current date and time in this case. Typepad Atom URL not required. Supports fileupload. WordPress WordPress XML-RPC The URL to the xmlrpc.php. For example, Supports fileupload. (File upload should be enabled via WordPress Admin page).

Zoundry: Write - Link - Tag - Post

by feision & 10 others
Whether you're a beginner or active blogger, Zoundry helps you do more with your weblog: Recommend products. Drop in pictures. Tag your posts. Earn cash rewards for yourself or charities when readers buy from your recommendations. Supported Platforms Supported Platforms Atom API Typepad Atom API MovableType xml-rpc MetaWeblog xml-rpc LiveJournal LJ xml-rpc Blogger v1 xml-rpc Blogger v2 xml-rpc


by feision
Z-Blog之XML-RPC接口(远程发布功能)测试下载 2005-9-30 11:27:14 很早之前就有人建议过Z-Blog支持MetaWeblog API,我也一直想加入这个功能,MT、WP这样的系统一直都有这个功能。因为对BlogAPI及MetaWeblog不太熟悉,加之中文资料较少,也迟迟未能动工。终于在十一之前,决心把这个接口好好做一下,真正制作时才发现其实并没什么很难的地方,刚开头的确让人摸不着头脑,理顺思路再看看API介绍就上路了。 在Blog中实现XML-RPC的标准不少,BlogAPI功能太弱,MoveableType的扩展又太多,还是MetaWeblog比较合适,WB Editor和BlogJet都有这方面的支持,所以在Z-Blog实现XML-RPC接口主要是以MetaWeblog为主,最好可以兼容MT。 下面就主要讲一下如何在WB Editor 2.0中配置并使用Z-Blog的远程发布功能:

Enable C++ applications for Web service using XML-RPC

by dcancel
XML-RPC is a lightweight, simple and powerful messaging protocol that enables complex XML-based communication across disparate platforms. In this article you'll see how to build your own XML-RPC-based service for C++ programs.

XML-RPC for C and C++: Overview

by dcancel
XML-RPC is a quick-and-easy way to make procedure calls over the Internet. It converts the procedure call into XML document, sends it to a remote server using HTTP, and gets back the response as XML.



by parmentierf & 5 others (via)
Describes how to use XML-RPC to implement clients and servers in a variety of languages. Provides example code in Perl, Python, C, C++, Java, PHP and other languages. Includes sections on Zope and KDE 2.0. Applies to all operating systems with XML-RPC support.


by infobulles & 12 others
BlogJet is a weblog client for Windows that allows you to manage your blog without opening a browser. Those who are seriously concerned with blogging, cannot imagine their work without using this wonderful tool with elegant interface.

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