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PUBLIC MARKS with tags zend & api



by srcmax
The world's easiest way to create high-quality APIs


Simple API for Cloud Application Services

by pac-recrutement

The Simple Cloud API is here to bring cloud technologies to PHP and the PHP philosophy to the cloud. With it, developers can start writing scalable and highly available applications that are still portable. If you're looking for code to start playing around with immediately, you'll find the first file storage, document storage, and simple queue interfaces with adapters for major cloud vendors here.

But this project is about more than just code. Zend has once again invited the open source community and software vendor of all sizes in to a dialogue that benefits all. And this time we're working with the companies that are leading the cloud revolution.



phpPaypalPro version 0.1.0 has been released

by chantal & 4 others (via)
The first release of phpPaypalPro is now available for public download. This program contains very promising features that simplifies the process of integrating with the Website Payments Pro API from Paypal.

Zend Framework

by nhoizey (via)
Zend_Service_Flickr est une API simple pour utiliser le service Wev REST de Flick. Pour pouvoir utiliser lew services Web Flickr, vous devez avoir une clé d'utilisation de l'API.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag zend

debug +   php +  

Active users

last mark : 16/11/2015 10:31

last mark : 22/10/2009 11:41

last mark : 24/09/2009 07:53

last mark : 23/07/2007 08:28

last mark : 30/01/2007 18:21

last mark : 08/01/2007 16:51