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Site de Pilot Systems dédié à nos supports de cours — Supports de cours Pilot Systems

by Emaux
Pilot Systems intervient dans différentes écoles d'ingénieurs informatique pour donner des cours, notamment concernant Python, Zope et Plone. La formation permet de doter les étudiants d'un bagage technique large, facilitant leur insertion dans le monde du travail.


by jdrsantos
GroupServer is an open-source collaboration server, licenced under the GPL.


Welcome to Hivurt — Open Source Content Management System

by jdrsantos
Hivurt is a content management system powered by a component architecture. It gives you the strength of Zope 3 in an easy to use environment. It allows you to easily switch between ZODB and PostgreSQL data storage and features search and indexes, an easy

iungo - Features

by bluetouff & 1 other (via)
zope based content management system

Plone.NET — Plone.NET

by jdrsantos & 1 other
Plone is a world-class, open source Content Management System, and people use it to run their web sites, intranets and extranets.

Python on Rails?

by ogrisel & 2 others
Comparatif des framewrok web pour python

by zopers & 2 others
Toonux est un portail proposant des contenus relatifs a Zope, plone, zwook, et au wifi

Introduction à Zope

by Eusebius
Ce tutoriel constitue une première approche du serveur d'application Zope. Il est destiné à des personnes ayant une certaine culture, même basique, des principes du développement web, et qui veulent découvrir Zope. Ce tutoriel est incomplet et ne traite que de certains outils présents dans Zope. Des notions importantes n'y sont pas traitées, comme les ZPT, les ZClasses, le Virtual Host Monster, les méthodes externes...

Merging TurboGears and Pylons , Zope

by pvergain
It seems likely that TurboGears and Pylons will merge. This looks like a good thing. ... It’s conceivable, it was definitely discussed a few times as well. It wouldn’t be so much a merger in any sense, as more of a coalescing of common parts. –Ben Bangert (On the Pylons mailing list) So, yes we did spend quite a bit of time talking about this at PyCon. And yes the word merger was used, but if you’re looking for some kind of big bang switchover, I think you’ll be disappointed. From my perspective, the philosophical approach behind all of our discussions has been “The more we can share parts the better.” But we all have taken it one step further — were we have different ideas about how things should be done, we need to weigh the relative merits of maintaining those differences against what those differences cost us. In particular I’m thinking about the cost in terms of mantaining: * separate libraries * separate documentation efforts * separate mailing lists * separate bug tracking systems * decreased visibility in the wider web marketplace * and ultimately separate user communities. .... Surprisingly enough, this is also something we have in common with the Zope guys, who have created a lot of great stuff that none of us got to use because it was too tightly integrated with the Zope core. They have been spinning out components pretty regularly for the last couple of years, and we want to work together with them more. Obviously, we won’t merge with Zope, but I hope that we can work with them in lots of interesting ways to move the state of Python web development forward. I for one would like to have access to their Transaction manager for multi-database transactions, and I worked a bit with Zope guys last week on integrating Tosca Widgets into their Forms system. What I want is for there to be diversity where there are real differences, and unity where those differences don’t matter. We don’t want to limit either framework, but we don’t want to have pointless duplication of effort either. .... Or, if we’re smart enough, creative enough, and and flexible enough, we may end up as one framework. To quote a line from Terminator 2 “The future is not yet set. The future is what we make it.“ ....

Tutorial Zope Avancé

by bluetouff & 1 other
Dans ce tutorial nous allons aborder zope de manière plus avancé que dans le premier tutorial (initiation à zope). Dans ce premier tutorial vous avez appris à créer les éléments simples d'un site web en zope, et vous avez vue comment gérer une base donnée tel que mysql. Ici nous allons aller un peu plus loin en abordant la gestion de formulaires et le traitement de données avec python, les listes, la gestion de fichiers, la gestion d'images, et enfin la création de fichier Excel …


by benoit & 1 other

Interfaces are objects that specify (document) the external behavior of objects that "provide" them.


Objectis Plone Free Hosting by Pilot Systems

by bluetouff & 1 other
Objectis is a free hosting service provided by Pilot Systems. MyPlone now offers a Free Plone 2.5 hosting. Objectis hosts up to 16 000 zope based websites.

by tarekziade & 1 other
Blog de Tarek Ziadé sur Python, l'open source, Zope, Zope 3, l'AFPY (Association Francophone Python)

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag zope

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