30 May 2007
PortletBridge - PortletBridge Portlet
by 1 otherThe PortletBridge Portlet project creates a JSR-168 Portlet that can proxy and rewrite content from a downstream web site. Currently, the portlet supports: Getting content from a downstream site, Proxy configuration (including NTLM and Basic authentication), NTLM and Basic authentication as preferences, Using an xsl stylesheet to rewrite the content from the downstream site, Proxying of remote resources (e.g. images, flash etc.), Pluto 1.0.1 rc2, JBoss Portal 2.0, LifeRay Professional 3.6.0, XSL Stylesheets packaged as part of the portlet or remote (URL based), Rewriting CSS urls, Moving javascript and css links out of the head, Hiding of downstream URLs and configurable scope, Back button and refresh support
14 May 2007
PortletBridge - Frequently Asked Questions
by 1 otherWhat is the PortletBridge Portlet?
The PortletBridge Portlet is a JSR 168 compliant portlet that allows a downstream web site to be proxied as a portlet. By default it only displays the content of the BODY but custom XSLT can be used to transform the data from the downstream site.
What is the difference between the PortletBridge Portlet and an IFrame
There are several differences between using an IFrame and the PortletBridge Portlet. Probably the biggest advantage to using an IFrame is that it is simpler than the PortletBridge Portlet and the downstream site will often be more faithfully rendered. There are however several advantages to using the PortletBridge Portlet.
11 May 2007
18 April 2007
Project Stringbeans Portal
StringbeansTM is a platform for building enterprise information portals. The platform is composed of three components: a portal container/server, a Web Services platform, and a process automation engine. At this time we have released the portal server and Web services platform. The process automation engine will be released in the near future.
05 April 2007
Creating a new portal, Part 1: Getting started
This article describes the first steps a team would typically take when starting a new project to implement a portal using IBM® WebSphere® Portal. It also provides some basic tools that can help you with these first steps. It discusses issues that teams typically face when starting a new portal project, and suggests some approaches to dealing with them. It describes various types of portals and how the type of portal you choose can influence your planning process. Finally, it introduces several tools, or work products, which you can use to plan and set up your own portal. This article is the first in a multiple-part series Creating a new portal.
04 April 2007
Portlet Tutorial
1. Introduction
2. Installing Eclipse
3. Installing JBoss Portal 2.2
4. Creating the project
5. Classpath settings
6. portlet.xml
7. web.xml
8. Hello World!
9. xwork.xml
10. JBoss Portal descriptors
11. Deployment
12. Next step
13. Re-deployment
02 April 2007
Développement WebSphere Portal : par où commencer ?
Vous l'avez probablement constaté, en ce moment, les portails ont le vent en poupe. Ca tombe bien, depuis quelques temps, je suis plutôt versé sur WebSphere Portal, et ce n'est pas pour me déplaire après 3 ans & demi consacrés quasi-exclusivement au développement Lotus Domino (avec un peu de PHP entre les deux). Toutefois, c'est un univers vaste et très différent de ce dernier, et la bête n'est pas forcément facile à dompter ni même à aborder. Voici quelques liens que j'ai recueilli au fil de mes aventures et qui pourraient intéresser ceux qui débutent dans le domaine : ...
Cet article est une première approche du concept des Portlets. Il permet d'avoir une vision générale sur le fonctionnement , l'architecture et les objectifs de ces composants.
(9 marks)