public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from Mogore with tag gtd

November 2006

October 2006

23 Phrases that Payses

from HELLO, my name is BLOG

September 2006

Joe's Goals

by 6 others
Free Online Goal Tracking


Shared Online Calendars, Contacts and Lists for your Family, Work and Social Groups


by 5 others
- get organized with simple to-do lists

OF - Outils

Liste des types d'outils que propose Outils Froids Red Mombin

by 1 other
Red Mombin is a quick and easy to use web-based task manager. It's powered by AJAX, PHP, and MySQL and works in all major browsers. xNots

xnots is a desktop post-it / sticky note system for the unix geek. All post-it notes are text files in some directory. Changes made to files in this directory automatically propogate to the displayed note. And yes, notes can be transparent ... :) WeBasKet

by 1 other
WeBasKet: WEB-based version of BasKet Note Pads (, a note-taking application. It allow to use baskets from any browser, computer, at home, job and allow to share notes with several users. It is based on PHP/MySQL. MySonet

MySonet is a Web-Based (PHP/AJAX) Categorized Note Taking Application Inspired By KJots.

infiniteNIL Software

PackRat pour emporter son backpack quand on n'a pas le Net

August 2006


- The Firefox Extension that Combines Gmail with Getting Things Done - home

Sylvia's Getting Things Done (GTD) Resource List

by 3 others
Des ressources, notamment pour Palm sur GTD

Getting Things Done! ::

by 3 others
Un retour d'expérience plus astuces sur implémentation papier de GTD

murtworld: Revolving workflow strategies

by 4 others
Qqn qui passe du temps devant son ordi explique comment il gère avec GTD - Display folder item counts via folder action script

Le nb d'items dans un dossier (une inbox virtuelle par exemple ?)