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PUBLIC MARKS from Monique with tag captcha


5 alternatives aux captchas traditionnels - Le blog du Modérateur

des alternatives originales et efficaces aux captchas traditionnels


CAPTCHA Alternatives

Below, we take a look at each alternative option, and identify their advantages and drawbacks.

In Search Of The Perfect CAPTCHA - Smashing Coding

by 1 other

This article follows the search for the perfect solution to the problem of increasing amounts of human-generated spam. We’ll look at how and why CAPTCHAs are used and their effect on usability in order to answer key questions: what is the perfect CAPTCHA, and are they even desirable?

La mort des CAPTCHA : Comment les pirates arrivent-ils à les casser ?

Depuis quelques mois, les techniques d'attaques contre les CAPTCHA se développent. Présentation et explications des différentes techniques utilisées par les pirates...

Death to Captchas |

It’s time to kill off captchas and stop punishing users for trying to interact with our sites.


Text Captcha Demo

This page showcases CAPTCHA logic question examples. This site provides a web service to generate such questions for use in other sites.


Google Acquires reCAPTCHA: Potential Boost for Web Accessibility - Law Office of Lainey Feingold

Google should convene a diverse group of blind and visually impaired computer users specifically to test and give feedback on ReCaptcha.

Monique's TAGS related to tag captcha

[en] +   [fr] +   accessibilité +   google +   spam +   usability +   web +   webdesign +