public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from Riduidel with tag maths

January 2006

December 2005

September 2005

Wcalc Homepage

Wcalc is a very capable calculator. It has standard functions (sin, asin, and sinh for example, in either radians or degrees), many pre-defined constants (pi, e, c, etc.), support for using variables, "active" variables, a command history, hex/octal/binar

The KnotPlot Site

Knots can be loaded from a database of almost 1000 knots and links or sketched by hand in three dimensions. Also, knots may be constructed via the Conway notation or using a tangle calculator. A number of special knot types (torus knots, knot chains, Liss


by 1 other
chaotic attractors pictures

Godel and Godel's Theorem: Math

In the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, one of the big mathematical goals was to reduce all of number theory to a formal axiomatic system. Like Euclid's Geometry, such a system would start off with a few simple axioms that are almost indisputable

Théorie des Graphes

by 3 others
Un site d'introduction à la théorie des graphes

Mathenpoche ... le site !

MathEnPoche est un projet soutenu par l’association Sésamath. En accord avec sa charte, les ressources disponibles sur ce site sont gratuitement mises à disposition de la communauté éducative par des enseignants en exercice. Elles ont pour voca

by 1 other
Site d'un prof de maths en prépa (en l'occurence, mon aicne prof de Spé) où il donne tous ses cours - Cours de mathématiques supérieures

by 1 other
Des cours de Mathématiques niveau universitaire.Ce site est un lieu de rencontre pour ceux qui étudient et qui aiment les Mathématiques. Le forum permet à chacun de soumettre ses questions.

Diffusion des savoirs de l'École normale supérieure

Quelques cours et séminaires offerts par l'ENS Cachan (donc d'un très haut niveau).


PlanetMath is a virtual community which aims to help make mathematical knowledge more accessible. PlanetMath's content is created collaboratively: the main feature is the mathematics encyclopedia with entries written and reviewed by members.

Calerga - Sysquake

Sysquake is innovative, powerful and flexible software for understanding systems, solving problems, and designing products. What makes it special is its unparalleled graphical interactivity.

Fractal Explorer

by 2 others
Fractal Explorer is a freeware fractal generator that can produce mysterious and beautiful mathematically-based images. Not just a tool for professionals, FE can provide hours of entertainment for beginners and experts alike !

May 2005


by 1 other
Accompagnement et Culture Mathématiques Ressources scientifiques pour les enseignants de Mathématiques Accompagnement des programmes de lycée

Maxima - Screenshots

Maxima is a descendant of DOE Macsyma, which had its origins in the late 1960s at MIT. It is the only system based on that effort still publicly available and with an active user community, thanks to its open source nature. Macsyma was the first of a new

Octave Home Page

by 1 other
GNU Octave is a high-level language, primarily intended for numerical computations. It provides a convenient command line interface for solving linear and nonlinear problems numerically, and for performing other numerical experiments using a language that


by 3 others
Bienvenue sur ChronoMath une chronologie des MATHÉMATIQUES à l'usage des professeurs de mathématiques et des élèves des lycées & collèges

Riduidel's TAGS related to tag maths

Algorithm +   calculator +   cours +   culture +   demonstration +   documentation +   encyclopedia +   fractals +   freeware +   fun +   galleries +   graph +   history +   image +   linux +   macosx +   open-source +   prépa +   programming +   science +   software +   web +   weird +   windows +