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PUBLIC MARKS from Spone with tag "Récupération de données"

10 February 2010

Data Independence and Survival Best Practices Projects - Carnets de La Grange

by 5 others
At a regular pace, we hear about social networks catastrophes. One of the last example is the bookmark service Magnolia which has lost all data from its users. Some people who have subscribed to their own RSS feed of bookmarks have recovered their data. Social networks catastrophes are of a different types and with different consequences, but often revolve around personal data. These data can be "fully" private to completly public with a lot of granularity in between (an opacity defined by shades).

22 December 2009

Spone's TAGS related to tag "Récupération de données"

disque dur +   données +   export +   howto +   liste +   portabilité des données +   secours +