Flakes • An Admin UI & Template Framework
by 1 otherFlakes is an Open Source Design & Frontend Framework that serves as a foundation for internal business applications.
Flakes is a combination of CSS Libraries, JavaScript Libraries and Design files that serve as a foundation. Flakes gives priority to function and usability over glitz, it takes a no-nonsense approach to user interface design.
5 Lessons from 150 startup pitches
I just reviewed several hundred startup pitches for Capital Factory. Most were on paper and video; 20 were invited to pitch in person.
Interesting patterns emerged:
Everyone makes the same classes of error.
Those who avoided just one of those errors stood out in the crowd.
These are problems with the business concept or the founder's attitude, not specific to raising angel money.
Geckoboard - Realtime Business Status Board
by 4 othersTogether at last! Web analytics, CRM, support, infrastructure, project management, sales... all in one place. Geckoboard is a hosted, real-time status board serving up the indicators that matter to you.
Finally, a live view on the health of your business!
The Economics of Giving It Away - WSJ.com
In a battered economy, free goods and services online are more attractive than ever. So how can the suppliers make a business model out of nothing?
Jeffrey Zeldman: Presentations from Gain 2008 (AIGA)
Author and Happy Cog founder Jeffrey Zeldman answers the question: what does a web designer need most?
(8 marks)