public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from Spone with tag conférence


Because “imagine everyone's naked” is terrible advice Thoughts on public speaking by Zach Holman


Hello » About

by 1 other
Howdy folks! Hello is a simple app that helps people make friends and have more fun at conferences. What does it do? The idea is fairly simple: When you arrive at the conference, simply say which seat you're sitting in, via Twitter. You can then browse the rest of the audience and see else is sitting around you, what their interest are, and whether you have anything in common. You can also search the audience for specific names or skillset (php, designer, marketer, etc).

The Feast | Get Ready for World-Shaking Change

The Feast is a cross-disciplinary series of programs addressing social innovation and new ways to make the world a better place.

Hadopi : Deux conférences pour comprendre et résister

by 3 others, 4 comments
Alors que l’examen du projet de loi Création et Internet va reprendre ce mardi 31 mars à l’Assemblée Nationale, on vous signale deux conférences, l’une davantage sur l’économie et le droit d’auteur, l’autre sur le droit.

Spone's TAGS related to tag conférence

app +   conseils +   hadopi +   innovation +   évènement +   social +   talk +   twitter +