November 2010
BetterMeans - Open and Democratic Project Management
To change our world, the way we work together needs upgrading
We are facing mounting social, environmental and economic problems. A lot of us want to work toward solving them and we are learning that these problems are interconnected, and complex.
We are trying to solve these problems using organizational structures that were invented before the light bulb! Industrial-age organizations are not smart or flexible enough to navigate the challenges we are facing.
To change our world, we need a new agreement of how we work together. How we make decisions. How we decide on who gets to work on what. And who gets paid what.
July 2010
January 2010
Facture, devis, comptabilité simplifiée auto entrepreneur et petite entreprise
by 10 others, 2 commentsUne solution simple, efficace et 100% en ligne de facturation et de comptabilité simplifiée, pour vous permettre de facturer facilement vos clients tout en respectant les obligations légales en vigueur.
Mon A.E est un service qui convient aussi bien aux auto-entrepreneurs qu'aux micro-entreprises, associations, entrepreneurs individuels, professions libérales et TPE.
(3 marks)