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PUBLIC MARKS from Spone with tag guidelines



10 Heuristics for User Interface Design

Jakob Nielsen's 10 general principles for interaction design. They are called "heuristics" because they are broad rules of thumb and not specific usability guidelines.


How To Scroll

Scroll-based interaction is incredibly popular for interactive storytelling. There are many compelling reasons for this, yet scrolling is surprisingly nuanced and easy to break. So here are five rules for employing scrolling effectively.

Enduring CSS: writing style sheets for rapidly changing, long-lived projects - Author and responsive web developer Ben Frain

When architecting CSS for a large scale project it’s a common aim to abstract visual patterns for re-use, DRY out code and normalise our designs as much as possible. However, for rapidly changing projects, I’m no longer convinced those principles should necessarily be followed to the nth degree, nor that they offer the biggest wins. This post describes what I consider the most advantageous practices and approaches when authoring CSS for a rapidly changing, large scale web project.

Mobile Web App Checklist

by 1 other
This is a list of guidelines we've been compiling over the last couple years while building high-performance mobile frontends, as well as building the open source library impulse. Some of these are broadly applicable to any mobile website, some are specifically for people building apps.

Better Specs { rspec guidelines with ruby }

RSpec is a great tool in the behavior-driven development (BDD) process of writing human readable specifications that direct and validate the development of your application. On the web there are many resources that give complete overview of _what_ you can do with RSpec. But there are fewer resources devoted to how to create a great RSpec test suite. Better Specs tries to fill this gap by collecting most of the "best practices" that other developers learn through years of experience.

Hexagonal Architecture Guidelines for Rails - The Audacious Code Experiment

Good application design is hard and there’s no one “right” way to do it. I often get asked the how I design decoupled applications and while there’s no easy answer I’m going to lay down the rules that have worked for me.

Cheat Sheets - OWASP

by 2 others
The OWASP Cheat Sheet Series was created to provide a concise collection of high value information on specific web application security topics. These cheat sheets were created by multiple application security experts and provide excellent security guidance in an easy to read format.


The Hack Day Manifesto

So you’re organising a hack day or hackathon? Here are some basic requirements to make your event a success, and avoid the common pitfalls that could otherwise ruin it. If you cannot provide any of the following, make it clear to guests before registration. Attendees are generally forgiving when clear communication is given. These are only guidelines, but exist to help you run a hack day in the easiest possible way.


A successful Git branching model »

by 7 others
In this post I present the development model that I’ve introduced for all of my projects (both at work and private) about a year ago, and which has turned out to be very successful. I’ve been meaning to write about it for a while now, but I’ve never really found the time to do so thoroughly, until now. I won’t talk about any of the projects’ details, merely about the branching strategy and release management.

Code Standards | Isobar

by 1 other (via)
This document outlines our de-facto code standards. The primary motivation is two- fold: 1) code consistency and 2) best practices. By maintaining consistency in coding styles and conventions, we can ease the burden of legacy code maintenance, and mitigate risk of breakage in the future. By adhering to best practices, we ensure optimized page loading, performance and maintainable code.



Country / Dev » Conventions de codage (x)HTML et CSS

Il y a quelque temps j’avais fais un post Organiser ses CSS. Depuis, j’ai mis au propre la documentation des conventions que j’utilise pour mon boulot. Ce n’est encore que des documents de travail alors il manque sûrement plein de choses et il y en a sans doutes d’autres qui ne sont pas très claires, n’hésitez pas à me le signaler.

Spone's TAGS related to tag guidelines

architecture +   best practices +   checklist +   code +   conseils +   conventions +   conversation +   css +   design +   git +   guide +   howto +   html +   html-guidelines +   icônes +   interaction +   mobile +   évènement +   principes +   rails +   référence +   rspec +   ruby +   scroll +   security +   sémantique +   standards +   test +   thé +   ux +   web app +   xhtml +