October 2012
Foursquare Usage Per Country - AppAppeal
(via)1.8% of the Foursquare users come from France and they generate 1.4% of the pageviews on Foursquare.
Google propose un outil pour refuser les liens pouvant altérer la qualité de votre référencement | FrenchWeb.fr
A la plus grande joie d’experts du référencement, Matt Cutts, grand maitre jedi du SEO chez Google vient d’annoncer la disponibilité dans Google Webmaster tools de Disavow Links Tool lors de la PubCon
7 Gorgeous Icon Fonts for Web Designers
For those that are out of the loop, you can think of an icon font as a grown-up version of dingbats…with an actual use-case. The core idea is to take a set of icons or pictograms that would normally be implemented as an image or vector file and then convert it into a font. There are many reasons to do this too, according to Pictonic, as an icon font can load as much as 14% faster than images and can to be as much as 90% smaller than SVG files.
10 Tips To Make Your Excel Charts Sexier
Having covered all the basics of how to make tabular data tell a story using custom cell formatting and conditional formatting for both static tables and pivot tables, we’re now going to jump into the really fun stuff: charting data out in Excel.
How Many People Click on Links from Email Signatures?
Knowing how many people actually click on links in email signatures is a mystery that’s right up there with how many people still print off emails after seeing the message “please think green before printing this email”. Or is it? Unlike the tree killers, we can actually find out how many people are following your link. If you’re not aware of these numbers, you may be missing a big piece of the puzzle on how customers come to know and interact with your company.
SpyOnWeb.com Research Tool
by 1 otherYou Can Disclose Websites With The Same Google Adsense Code, Google Analytics Code, Ip Address etc.
Test complet de SEO Power suite, la boite à outil du référenceur
Tout bon référenceur, et même webmaster, se doit d’avoir quelques outils pour accomplir certaines tâches incontournables de son travail. Citons par exemple le suivi des positions, l’analyse des backlinks, l’audit technique on-site, la veille concurrentielle, la gestion des partenariats…
L'audit SEO en détail
Dès que l’on évoque une prestation SEO, on parle inévitablement d’audit. Il faut dire que c’est une étape importante dans le processus d’une prestation en référencement naturel. Nul ne peut entreprendre un travail de référencement pour un tiers sans analyser à minima l’existant. Là-dessus, tout le monde devrait être en phase.
September 2012
August 2012
3 Little-Known Social Media Misconceptions that Can Destroy Your Marketing Strategy
Success in social media has more to do with the underlying principles, and less with the visible tools or tactics used.
So it's easy to get the wrong idea or impression being on the outside, looking in.
But the problem with misconceptions is that they give you a false belief, and waste your resources. Instead, your limited time, energy and money should have been spent on other methods.
Here are 3 social media misconceptions that can destroy your marketing strategy.
July 2012
5 Essential Spreadsheets for Social Media Analytics
by 1 otherThat’s why many social media marketers and power users are in constant search of free, efficient alternatives. Here, we’ll share a few ready-made spreadsheets you can copy (navigate File + Make a copy) and use for social media analytics. They are free, highly customizable and extremely easy to use.
Most of the scripts that run the spreadsheets are “public,” meaning you can access them from the Tools + Script Gallery menu (this also means they were reviewed and approved by Google Spreadsheets team)
June 2012
Blogging Tools that I Cant live Without
List of Best Blogging tools for Every Blogger:
Before we move ahead, let me clear out what do I mean by Blogging tools here. These are usually those blogging software’s, tools, platform, website without which my blogging is incomplete, or probably won’t be like the same. I’m sure this will help newbie bloggers and instead of waiting years to try them, it’s time you should at least give it a shot.
How to Use the New Google Analytics Social Reporting Tool
The new social media reporting tools from Google Analytics provides marketers free social media monitoring and measurement capabilities.
The new reporting features provide the most value when coupled with Google+.
This way, community managers gain insight around off-page activity as Google Analytics and Google+ are happily integrated.
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