29 January 2006
About Simpy
Simpy is a social bookmarking service. With Simpy, you can save, tag and search your own bookmarks and notes or browse and search other users' links and tags. You can be open and share your links with others, or keep them private.
Social Bookmarking Links for your Post Footer - Freshblog
In another post-footer makeover, I have added Simpy, Blinklist, Digg and (rather optimistically, I thought) Slashdot to your list of bookmarking options, which still includes Del.icio.us and Furl. Now you can bookmark Freshblog posts on any of those servi
21 December 2005
愛德華日誌 : Social bookmark 無責任評比 - Round 2
by 4 others隨著 del.icio.us 網路書籤的成功,最近各種相似於 del.icio.us 的應用也如雨後春筍般的應運而生,倒讓人不知如何選擇了。我更新了之前的資料,並加入一些新的項目。彙整於下:
(3 marks)