02 May 2006 18:00
01 May 2006 01:00
Thinker: Home
by 3 othershis resource is intended to assist students with their mastery and appreciation for the field of cognitive psychology.
CogNews - Cognitive Science News For You, By You
by 1 otherCogNews is a Slashdot style news site for the cognitive sciences -- neurology, psychology, artificial intelligence, philosophy, linguistics, biology, sociology, anthropolgy and more. Basically anything that has to do with thinking, intelligence or how the mind works.
Personality Theories
This is an electronic textbook ("e-text") created for undergraduate and graduate courses in Personality Theories. While it is copyrighted, you may download it or print it out without permission from the author, as long as the material is used only for personal or educational purposes, and the source is indicated. I hope you enjoy the chapters!
Changing minds and persuasion -- How we change what others think, believe, feel and do
by 3 othersChanging others' minds is at the core of many professions and disciplines, from leadership to brand management to psychotherapy to sales. And although each has its body of knowledge, they all have much in commo
01 May 2006 00:00
Akiyoshi's illusion pages
by 8 othersWarning: This page contains some works of "anomalous motion illusion", which might make sensitive observers dizzy or sick. Should you feel dizzy, you had better leave this page immediately
(6 marks)