public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from adfunk with tag "Duct Cleaning"

May 2009

T & N Maintenance Central Heating Duct Cleaning-Service Melbourne & All Suburbs

The cooling system in your company is not running smoothly? Heard unusual noise coming out of the cooling system and the cooling system does not generates cool air anymore? Thinking of changing the cooling system? Sometimes, when an older cooling system creating noise and does not generates cool air to the room, it is not because of the system is old, but mainly because of no maintenance to the cooling system or the maintenance done to the cooling system was not proper or thorough or enough. The same theory applies to the heating system and if the cooling or heating system is not functioning as their function, there is no point having this system.

April 2008

Good news for all housewives! Now it’s easy to clean any stains on your precious carpets!

Have you ever had problems with stains on your carpets? Stains such as spills from coffee, blood spots, oils and many more hard to clean stains could be a pain for us to clean it up. Sometimes it requires a specific way to get it clean. It is not as easy as pour any kind of cleaning powder to get it clean, because one wrong move could cost you your precious carpets, and we can’t afford that.