public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from adfunk with tag diet

September 2008

Choosing the Right Diet

All my friends know I’m a diet freak. I don’t have bulimia, nor am I anorexic, in fact, I am a food lover! This is why I need to watch my food intake. I tried Slim Fast before, which is a meal plan that has healthful aspects like exercise and drinking 6-8 cups of water which is found in any weight loss plan. The Slim Fast shakes come in six packs with different flavors such as Cappuccino Delight, Creamy Milk Chocolate, French Vanilla, Rich Chocolate Royale, and Strawberries N’ Cream.Yummy! Actually, if you take in stuff that has Chitosan as an ingredient, it should act as an effective dieting tool. Chitosan is named after the fiber derived from the exoskeleton of shellfish and other crustaceans that act as a major source for blocking fats, ideal for after a meal which is heavy in fat because it can be consumed without worries by taking two tablets before the rich meal.

The Love Hate Relationship With Weights

I have been having weight issues since forever, and I’ve tried just about anything short of surgery: hitting the gym, diets, signing up for packages at weight management centres. In the end, what I’ve got is just a heavier body and a lighter wallet. One of the first diets I tried was the Medifast Diet. It comprises of low fat, low carbohydrates, and ultra low calorie plan. Apparently, people have lost up to 20 lbs in just 30 days when following this diet. Another diet I tried was the Flat Belly Diet. The Flat Belly Diet suggests a 1600 calorie diet with emphasis on unrefined foods and allows taking once in a month very little red meat, which is difficult for me because I love meat! The Flat Belly Diet is not so popular as results are slow, the book is expensive and the diet is complicated. If you want to get the book from me, just drop me a comment later.

August 2008

Fat Loss 4 Idiots = Easy, Painless Way to Lose Weight

I bet you wouldn’t believe me if I told you you could lose weight in 11 days. I bet you’d be even more shocked if I told you you could do that by eating more than three meals a day, and you didn’t have to starve yourself with the ol’ low-fat, low-carb, i-only-can-eat-half-a-meal-a-day diets. You don’t have to keep calculating calories, you don’t have to perform mental arithmetic acrobatics each time you pick up a piece of breadstick; and you can say farewell to those protein shakes for good. After all, you know by now how hard these things are to practice, and even so, it doesn’t always work.

March 2007

Keep aware of buying medication online

NEWS on the death of a 33-year-old housewife who succumbed to kidney commplications allegedly caused by a slimming pill regime some weeks ago is an indication of a disturbing trend in the purchase of medical and medicinal products among Internet user. Rather than getting advice from the respective experts and authorities in the field, many are buying drugs and medication through offline and online channels based on decisions made either on information made available in advertisements, cheaper pricing or the sheer lure of being able to beat the system and getting their hands on controlled drugs.

January 2007

Eating Healthy and Organic on $7 a Day

We’ve all heard the joke: Whole Foods, whole paycheck. The humor seems exaggerated, until you shop there or at some other natural foods market. Before you know it you’ve spent $70 or more when all you were after was Fair Trade coffee, a fresh baguette and a few excellent cheeses. Sound familiar? One man recently admitted it costs him $800 a month to purchase his groceries from Whole Foods, and he’s only buying for himself, his girlfriend and an average-sized dog that he feeds like a human. That’s $200 a week—between $28 and $29 a day for a man, a woman and one satisfied pet. Who can afford that?