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PUBLIC MARKS from adfunk with tag "san diego homeowners insurance"

April 2010

How to save when shopping for California Home Insurance

Do you already own a home and looking to save on your California Home insurance? Are you in the process of purchasing a home and need to find affordable California home insurance or hazard insurance before your Escrow closes? Finding affordable home insurance is important. But it is also important to make sure that your home owners insurance is not only affordable, but has good coverage’s and benefits.

August 2009

How to save when shopping for California Home Insurance

When was the last time that you sat down with your local California apartment building insurance agent to compare your apartment building insurance? If you can’t remember, then it’s been way too long! If you are an owner of apartment buildings, your apartment buildings are probably your single most important (and expensive) assets. So, it’s very important to have the right insurance coverage and protection for the vitality and continuation of your business.

June 2009

Home Insurance in California

Are you looking to save on your home insurance in California? Well look no further than your authorized independent insurance agent to help. Your local San Diego insurance agent is familiar with your area and can help provide outstanding customer service and help when it comes to comparing home insurance quotes.

April 2009

Homeowners Insurance in San Diego

Are you being affected by the economy and looking to cut your costs? When was the last time that you reviewed your San Diego insurance? You might be feeling the ping (well, we all are) – so it might be a good idea to review your home insurance policy. How did you originally purchase your home insurance? Did you go through your local San Diego car insurance agent or did you get a recommendation from your Real Estate agent when you purchased your house?

February 2009

Finding Health Insurance in California

Did you recently become unemployed and lost your health insurance benefits and is COBRA too expensive? Are you self-employed and you have to pay for your own health insurance in California? Especially with the economy as it is today, people are looking for affordable health insurance and looking for the best bang for their buck. The good news is that there are more plans and options than ever for individual and family health insurance in California.

December 2008

Apartment Owner Insurance Quote Information

When was the last time that you reviewed your apartment owner insurance? If it’s been over a year, it’s been too long. To make sure that you are covered properly, it’s important to review your insurance policy on a regular basis and make updates to it regularly. Have you made any improvements, changes, or updates to your apartment buildings? Discuss with your local California apartment building insurance agent to make sure that you the right protection to cover for your apartment buildings in the event of a covered loss. You apartment building is usually your single most important (and very expensive asset). You want to make sure that you have enough insurance coverage, while minimizing your expenses. Discuss with your agent to make sure that you have enough liability coverage too.

September 2008

California Affordable Home Insurance Made Easy!

Are you tired of searching around and feeling confused with all of the home insurance plans and company’s? With all of the many affordable home insurance plans, it can be confusing and many people feel frustrated when comparing California Home Insurance. That’s why it’s important to find a local San Diego Insurance agent to help you compare your home insurance so that you can find the best plan for your needs. When shopping for home insurance, it’s important to not just pick the cheapest home insurance quote. You want to make sure that you find quality home insurance that offers plenty of protection for your investment. Be sure to let your home insurance agent whether this will be your primary residence or a rental home. If you are renting out your house to tenants, it’s important that you obtain the correct type of rental home insurance policy… somtimes called landlord insurance.

May 2008

California Home Insurance Quotes Made Easy!

It’s a good idea to review your home insurance on a regular basis for a number of reasons and discuss with your local San Diego Insurance agent. First, it’s important to make sure that you have the right coverage’s to protect your home. For many individuals and families, their home is their single largest investment. It’s important to have the right coverage for your huge investment. If you are unsure, check with your local agent to discuss your insurance coverage’s and ask for recommendations. Another reason why it is important to review your home insurance is that you can maybe get a better rate or coverage for the same price. By working with an agent, they can maybe help with other home insurance companies and help you compare and find the right plan for your needs.