public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from adgoldho

09 March 2007

PlayStation HOME is up!

The PlayStation Home will go into beta this April followed by world wide release in the fall. “Home”™ is a real-time 3D, networked community that serves as a meeting place for PS3 users from around the world, where they can...

17 February 2007

Friendship Brings Good Health

We all know stress and anxiety are bad for us. If left unchecked, these emotional problems can have serious physical effects. We spend millions of dollars every year on yoga classes and videos, relaxation tapes, massages, spa visits, and herbal remedies, all in a bid to reduce our stress levels and live healthier lives. The truth is, there a great and easy remedy for stress relief that costs little no money: go talk to a friend.

PS3 Games: Tekken 6 Unveiled

Details for Tekken 6 were unveiled at AOU arcade expo in Japan today. The trailer for the game was shown at last year’s E3. However, the details of the game were largely left out.

Boost Your Metabolism Naturally

There are a lot of products on the market that promise to boost your metabolism and thus make you lose weight faster. Sounds good, but there is an easier and a lot less expensive way to do the same thing and do it naturally without drugs and their side effects to deal with. To find out what they are, read on...

20 January 2007

Smoking Fingers

Create Smoke From Your Fingers is easy to do if you know how.

adgoldho's TAGS


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boost metabolism   chemistry   fat loss   friend   friendship   health   increase metabolism   Lose Weight   magic   playstation   playstation community   playstation home   ps3   science   Science Magic   Science Trick   Science Tricks   smoke   stress relief   tekken 6   weight loss