August 2008
Can I Put My MN Investment Property into an LLC After Buying it Personally?
Given the basic facts about starting LLC's and gaining financing in them, many people choose to start the financing personally on their new real estate purchases and worry about getting them into the LLC later.
It is not a difficult or compli...
July 2008
Real Estate Investing 101 Seminar [Aug. 19th]
My team consists of many experienced real estate investors - and the purpose of this "101 seminar" will be to share our own practical and "real-world" approach to making money by investing in Minnesota real estate!
This seminar i...
June 2008
Building a Team of Experts
Another valuable-lesson Robert Kiyosaki teaches is, when you're beginning investing in real estate YOU should not be the smartest one on your team. This sounds like an awkward statement, but makes sense if you translate the logic to the 80/20 r...
March 2008
Real Estate Investing 101 Seminar [April 16th]
Our team leader Ryan O'Neill owns 15 investment properties and will be teaching you his down-to-earth and "real world" approach to building wealth by investing in Minnesota real estate.
There is no charge, no contracts you sign with u...
February 2008
Make Your Money Work FOR You!
This is a concept taught by many authors, some as famous as Trump, Allan and Kiyosaki. According to their teachings, no one gets rich working for a living.
People can survive this way, but to build wealth, you must put some of that money to work...
(5 marks)