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PUBLIC MARKS from allwebgold with tag secrets


The Secret, Money, Health, Happiness, Secrets-The Secret Truths

The Secret Truths revealing secrets about money, health, happiness and more. Discover the science of Total Wealth Creation for a better You !


Silver Gold101 Free Silver Coins for Your Wealth Protection - Toilet Paper Money

The history of fiat money, to put it kindly, has been one of failure. In fact, EVERY fiat currency since the Romans first began the practice in the first century has ended in devaluation and eventual collapse, of not only the currency, but of the economy that housed the fiat currency as well.

Silver Gold101 Free Silver Coins for Your Wealth Protection - Case For $2000 Gold !

In reality, gold is about one third of the way toward reaching a true new high. Using the official government CPI inflation adjuster, $800/oz. gold today equates to $316/oz. gold back in 1980. Rather than being near a market top, gold still remains the buy of a generation. Economists finally agree on gold's future

Silver Gold101 Free Silver Coins for Your Wealth Protection - Can They Be Wrong ?

“The Panic of 2008 will lead to a lower U.S. standard of living, he said.” “I have no crystal ball, nor do I claim to have well-developed psychic powers, but I’d be willing to bet almost anything that next Thanksgiving season will be dramatically different from this one,”writes Carolyn Baker.

Silver Gold101 Free Silver Coins for Your Wealth Protection - Silver Uses

Silver is a ubiquitous and essential industrial metal with literally thousands of uses, many of which are irreplaceable. Jim Cook,President of Investment Rarities, has recently listed just a few of silver’s thousands of modern uses, many of which are infinitesimal in amounts per unit, but multiplied by many millions of units, it’s thousands of tons of silver. (I can’t vouch for each one of these statements, but at least most of them are true).

Silver Gold101 Free Silver Coins for Your Wealth Protection - Destroying America

It is incredible to see the rampant devaluation of the U.S. Dollar. The Federal Reserve just hours ago made a rare cut of 25 basis points during the weekend which will cause even more inflation. Gold immediately moved up $20 an ounce and the U.S. Dollar Index plunged under 71 in international trading. If this type of market activity continues the U.S. Dollar will have no value in a few months.

silver snowball on Squidoo

SilverSnowball is the smart way to begin. Feel honest money in your hands again. And if you share the good news you can create a steadily growing stream of pure silver and/or gold coins delivered to your door. 96% of the public has no idea this is happening, but the return to "Honest Money" has already begun !!

Silver Gold101 Free Silver Coins for Your Wealth Protection - How Markets Really Work

Another example of humor that is deadly accurate. Unknown source - "I worked on Wall Street for a few years, elbow to elbow with "top" investment bankers. It was one big casino with the saps in pensions funds and savings and loans (and us) being used to finance the game and cover the losses."

Silver Gold101 Free Silver Coins for Your Wealth Protection - Silver Shortage

Three more major silver dealers are reported to be out of silver today: The U.S. Mint, Kitco, and Monex. This, on top of the major dealers yesterday, Amark, Perth Mint, CNI Numismatics, and APMEX, all reported sold out. Further, nearly all of Canada is reported to be out of silver, from Vancouver to Toronto.

Silver Gold101 Free Silver Coins for Your Wealth Protection - America's Shanty Towns

In this chilling BBC clip, a newsteam ventures to one of LA's new shantytowns made up of people who've lost their homes in the subprime meltdown and now live in tents, improvised shacks or RVs on abandoned land

Silver Gold101 Free Silver Coins for Your Wealth Protection - American Eagles

American Eagle Silver Dollars are congressionally authorized and produced by the United States Mint at West Point, New York and are legal tender coins with a face value of one dollar (though they are worth considerably more since the market price of one ounce of silver has been many times greater than one dollar for more than four decades).

Silver Gold101 Free Silver Coins for Your Wealth Protection - Silver Money

Silver has been consistently used as money throughout history, even more than gold, but, whenever paper money fails (every 50 to 75 years), the world is subsequently littered with useless paper currencies. That’s when silver is resurrected and comes back into its own.

FREE Silver Coins

Did you know that silver has increased in price over 300% in the last 5 years? How many affiliate programs do you know of who have given their affiliates a 300% pay increase? And with the US dollar losing value by the day your earnings (just like mine) are really going to stack up!

The Fiat Money System

The Goldsmiths were the first bankers in early England. Primarily because people left their gold with the goldsmiths for safekeeping. The first paper money were "Receipts" for the gold deposits.

7 Critical Facts

CONFIDENTIAL GOLD WARNING SPECIAL REPORT " The 7 Crical Facts You Need To Know Before The Coming Global Financial Crash "

Silver Gold101

For the last 10 years I have been studying anything to do with the financial markets. What do the rich and connected know that the rest of us don't and more importantly how we can protect ourselves -


Millions of people are already using the Law of Attraction to make their lives successful. It's no longer a secret, but a household term that is rightfully being given the attention it deserves.

Secrets And Wealth

If you're one of those that believe that hard work and honesty, alone, will bring riches, perish the thought! It's not true! Riches, when they come in huge quantities, are never the result of hard work alone!