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PUBLIC MARKS from audiobookspick with tag "Drugs and Alcohol"

22 March 2007 22:00

Substance Abuse In Young Adults

A few days ago I already blogged about drug abuse and alcohol. Since then, I’ve started to look at the services that are available and found, that there are a lot more organizations that can help in case of a problem. People looking for drug reha...

21 March 2007 17:00

Teens, Drugs and Alcohol

Teens drugs and aclohol are an explosive mix, that, if left unattended can end in a family drama. My oppinion is: It’s best to listen to your young ones and to keep in touch, before a serious problem develops. However, if the problem is there, th...

audiobookspick's TAGS related to tag "Drugs and Alcohol"

drug abuse +   Drug Rehabilitation +   Health Audio Books +