December 2005
November 2005
Five Tutorial for Plone developers
(via)This document teaches you how to use Five. Its goals are to familiarize you with some Zope 3 idioms and demonstrate how they are applied in a grown Zope 2 environment. It will do so in five steps, thus let you experience the iterative development process that has been acquired by Zope 3 developers and been used in my book as well. It will stop after those five steps, but still leave you with some possibilities to pad out the code with your own components.
October 2005
The Linux Home Page in the UK
(via)CMFFeed is a CMFSin replacement solution, which acts as a RSS reader and aggregator for Plone.
Zope 3 Quick Start Guide
by 2 others (via)This Quick Start assumes you are familiar with Python, Subversion, and the generalities of the web (HTML, servers, etc.).
Zope and AJAX: two options
by 2 others (via)AJAX, now I'm certified buzzword compliant ;). Seriously, ajax is Async Javascript and XML with which we can do stuff without page refresh and gives the impression that the browser is very much like your everyday GUI client.
(6 marks)