March 2006
AtomEnabled / Developers / Syndication / Atom Syndication Format Spec (Pre-Draft)
by 3 others (via)The Atom Syndication Format
February 2006
DHTML Utopia: Modern Web Design Using JavaScript & DOM [JavaScript & DHTML Tutorials]
by 1 other (via)Using JavaScript & DOM
January 2006
December 2005
Comment ça marche? [l'informatique] - CCM - L'encyclopédie informatique libre
by 60 othersEncyclopédie Informatique
PHP: Gestion des chargements de fichier - Manual
Gestion des chargements de fichier, the best resource for PHP tutorials, templates, PHP manuals, content management systems, scripts, classes and more.
Upload a file manually using PHP
October 2005
(25 marks)