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December 2008

SourceSup: FileX: Information sur le projet

FileX est un système de transfert de fichier par interface web. Il à été conçu pour faciliter l'échange de documents "lourds" de manière simplifiée.> Open Source Collaboration Software for the Enterprise

by 2 others is a software tool developed by Cynapse, that inter-connects your people with each other and their collective knowledge, seamlessly. helps teams to create collective knowledge by sharing workspaces, applications, documents, files and digital content within a secure, unified environment. combines the capabilities of collaboration tools like wikis, blogs, file repositories, micrologs instant discussions and other social applications into a seamless platform. The desktop client keeps users updated with its unique activity stream while enabling instant discussions within any document, file or content.

November 2008

NAS Uploader, accueil upload multifichiers en flash et/ou Ajax - multiple file uploader

by 1 other (via)
NAS Uploader est une solution open source d'upload multifichiers utilisant la technologie Flash et adaptable à toute plateforme web. Cette application est née du constat qu'il était difficile de trouver sur le web un système d'upload multifichiers simple à mettre en place, fiable et compatible avec la majorité des navigateurs.

jQuery Plugin: Preload Images - NETTUTS

Today, I came across a great jQuery plugin that will preload your images. This file now has a permanent spot in my "resources" folder. The plugin essentially scans your CSS files and preloads all of the images within it. :: Parallel SSH execution and a single shell to control them all

Many people use SSH to log in to remote machines, copy files around, and perform general system administration. If you want to increase your productivity with SSH, you can try a tool that lets you run commands on more than one remote machine at the same time. Parallel ssh, Cluster SSH, and ClusterIt let you specify commands in a single terminal window and send them to a collection of remote machines where they can be executed. Why you would need a utility like this when, using openSSH, you can create a file containing your commands and use a bash for loop to run it on a list of remote hosts, one at a time? One advantage of a parallel SSH utility is that commands can be run on several hosts at the same time. For a short-running task this might not matter much, but if a task needs an hour to complete and you need to run it on 20 hosts, parallel execution beats serial by a mile. Also, if you want to interactively edit the same file on multiple machines, it might be quicker to use a parallel SSH utility and edit the file on all nodes with vi rather than concoct a script to do the same edit. Many of these parallel SSH tools include support for copying to many hosts at once (a parallel version of scp) or using rsync on a collection of hosts at once. Because the parallel SSH implementations know about all the hosts in a group, some of them also offer the ability to execute a command "on one host" and will work out which host to pick using load balancing. Finally, some parallel SSH projects let you use barriers so that you can execute a collection of commands and explicitly have each node in the group wait until all the nodes have completed a stage before moving on to the next stage of processing.

October 2008

Howto: ISP-style Email Server with Debian-Etch and Postfix 2.3

The configuration described here is not very complicated but still needs to be done carefully. You are expected to have at least basic knowledge of: * MySQL (creating a database, granting access to users, basic SQL queries) * SMTP (what it is and what a basic SMTP dialog looks like) * POP3, IMAP (what they do and what the differences are) * basic Postfix configuration (understand the default settings in your, have read through the basic configuration document and know that your mail log file is at /var/log/mail.log) * Debian/Linux (general system administration, using a text editor, reading log files)

Box Backup - Trac

Box Backup is an open source, completely automatic, on-line backup system. It has the following key features: * All backed up data is stored on the server in files on a filesystem - no tape, archive or other special devices are required. * The server is trusted only to make files available when they are required - all data is encrypted and can be decoded only by the original client. This makes it ideal for backing up over an untrusted network (such as the Internet), or where the server is in an uncontrolled environment. * A backup daemon runs on systems to be backed up, and copies encrypted data to the server when it notices changes - so backups are continuous and up-to-date (although traditional snapshot backups are possible too). * Only changes within files are sent to the server, just like rsync, minimising the bandwidth used between clients and server. This makes it particularly suitable for backing up between distant locations, or over the Internet. * It behaves like tape - old file versions and deleted files are available. * Old versions of files on the server are stored as changes from the current version, minimising the storage space required on the server. Files are the server are also compressed to minimise their size. * Choice of backup behaviour - it can be optimised for document or server backup. * It is designed to be easy and cheap to run a server. It has a portable implementation, and optional RAID implemented in userland for reliability without complex server setup or expensive hardware.

September 2008

Free File Hosting & Video Downloads, Free File Sharing, Online Friends Network - Ziddu

by 1 other (via)
J’ai découvert Ziddu, c’est un site qui vous permet un stockage en ligne et un Uploads illimité avec un compte gratuit et qui ne mets pas de temps d’attente entre les téléchargement pour vos visiteurs et de plus chaque fois que quelqu’un téléchargera votre fichier, vous serez payer, bien sûr pas de quoi changer de voiture ou de maison. Le paiement est de $0.001 par téléchargement et les sommes vous seront envoyés sur votre compte Paypal dès que vous aurez atteint 10 $. Je teste ce service en attendant de trouver LE service qui va bien. Ziddu vous permet de stocker et partager de manière illimités:

XtraFile » XtraUpload v2

by 2 others
Written in PHP using the CodeIgniter Framework, XtraUpload has all the features you would expect from a file Hosting Script. Free users as well as premium users have the ability to upload files but premium users get a lot more features such as viewing files, instantly downloading files and getting the URL’s of the files they have uploaded. You can also specify the file types, sizes along with many other options. Each user must provide a valid email address when they sign up for premium as the script automatically sends the username and password to them upon reception of payment through PayPal IPN. File Hosting websites brings in large revenues and is a very easy system to setup thanks to XtraUpload.

August 2008

Throttling qmail SMTP receive bandwidth |

I wrote the program "throttle.c," which you can insert into the tcpserver chain of commands for a qmail smtpd server. It takes one argument: the number of kilobytes per second to let through on the incoming file descriptor. Throttle does not throttle the outgoing file descriptor, because that's usually just status from your mail server. Additionally, throttle will set an alarm, so that any session longer than 15 minutes will expire and disconnect. This affords some amount of protection against lingering sessions that eat up your parallelism limit; I've seen such sessions from presumably trojaned DSL machines connecting to the mail server to send spam.

Recuva - Undelete, Unerase, File Recovery - Home

by 4 others (via)
Recuva est un petit utilitaire gratuit, pour Windows, qui vous permet de récupérer des données sur votre disque dur après les avoir malencontreusement supprimées. Cela concerne aussi bien les fichiers ayant transités par votre corbeille, que ceux ayant étés effacés par erreur de votre lecteur MP3 ou d’une carte mémoire. Mieux, il permet de retrouver des fichiers ayant étés écrasés par un virus, un bug quelconque, … Et l’outil promet d’être plutôt stable et fiable puisqu’il nous est proposé par Piriform, déjà connu pour travailler aussi sur le fameux CCleaner. L’interface est très simple à comprendre, vous allez pouvoir visionner des aperçu des fichiers retrouvés ( pratique pour les images ), … Recuva peut donc aussi être utilisé pour définitivement effacer certains fichiers car comme vous le savez, un fichier supprimé via la corbeille ou manuellement reste accessible malgré tout sur le disque dur.

July 2008

PrettyPhoto - a jQuery Lightbox clone

by 3 others, 1 comment
PrettyPhoto - a jQuery Lightbox clone July 13th, 2008 in Javascript | Tags: Gallery, jQuery | No Responses A new version 2.1 of prettyPhoto released. Descriptions/Titles now support html code. Usage is simple, just include the jQuery library, prettyPhoto javascript and the prettyPhoto CSS file and add rel=”prettyPhoto” to any picture you want to activate the prettyPhoto feature. If you want the images to be a part of a gallery, just add the gallery name in braket. Tested and working in Firefox 2-3 (Mac/PC), Safari 3.1.1 (Mac), IE 6-7. Uncompressed version - script: 16kb / CSS: 8kb, compressed size - script: 8kb / CSS: 3.8kb.

jQuery Multiple File Upload Plugin v1.29 (2008-06-26)

by 4 others
The Multiple File Upload Plugin (jQuery.MultiFile) is a non-obstrusive plugin for the jQuery Javascript library that helps users easily select multiple files for upload quickly and easily whilst also providing some basic validation functionality to help developers idenfity simple errors, without having to submit the form (ie.: upload files).

June 2008

flv streaming with lighttpd

by 2 others (via)
1.4.11 got a new module for streaming Flash movie files called mod_flv_streaming. This module allows you to seek in FLV files using the high performance infrastructure of lighttpd. The idea is simple and explained and implemented on ‘Streaming’ flv video via PHP, take two at But instead of streaming the file through PHP we do it in the webserver. The module expects a request for the URL which matches flv-streaming.extensions and can handle a ’?start=’ as part of the request. The information to pass into the ‘start’ parameter is extractly by the flash-player from the meta-data of the flv-files. The meta-data can be setup with flvtool2 Now I leave it to you to combine this with mod_secdownload to create a flv-streaming server for free with deep/hot linking protected movies. server.modules = ( ..., "mod_secdownload", ## optional "mod_flv_streaming", ... ) flv-streaming.extensions = ( ".flv" ) Take the flash-player from flashcomguru and adjust the URL in the player and try yourself.

SMTP Performance Benchmarking

To test and benchmark several common SMTP servers for Unix. This is inspired by the work done by Matthias Andree at his Postfix vs. qmail - Performance page. His information, while likely still highly relevant is based heavily around file system I/O and not overall performance of the MTA. Additionally, more MTAs and OSs will eventually be tested here.

Free Radio Streaming - Stream MP3 and WAV files with Ease | iRadeo

by 3 others
iRadeo is a free online radio platform that allows anyone to stream their MP3 or WAV files. Once installed, iRadeo will automatically detect and stream any supported file format that has been uploaded to the specified directory. Benefits of iRadeo: * It's 100% FREE * Start your own free online radio station * Use to stream both music and podcasts * Share your favorite music with others * Customize to fit your web site

May 2008

GNU Squad » Faire du SFTP dans un chroot avec scponlyc

by 1 other
Commençons tout d’abord par expliquer les quelques termes alambiqués du titre de ce billet pour les néophytes : * SFTP signifie « Secure File Transfer Program », c’est un programme permettant de transférer des fichiers en utilisant une liaison chiffrée par SSH (Secure SHell) ; attention à ne pas confondre SFTP avec FTPS qui signifie pour sa part « File Transfer Protocol over SSL » ! * chroot est un programme permettant de changer le répertoire racine d’un processus afin que ce dernier n’ai accès qu’à une partie limitée de l’arborescence. * scponlyc est un shell limité destiné uniquement aux transferts de fichiers dans un chroot. Le but du jeu est donc de permettre à un utilisateur de transférer des fichiers sur un serveur de manière sécurisée sans qu’il n’obtienne pour autant un shell et sans qu’il lui soit permit de voir l’arborescence du serveur.

April 2008

Vdoop - Manage your virtual cluster - Vdoop

Every day, search companies like Google download terabytes of data from the Internet, store it on clusters of thousands of machines, and process it so that it can be easily searched. To make this possible, these companies need sophisticated distributed file system and parallel programing architectures. Have you ever heard of the Map/Reduce distributed parallel programing paradigm? If you are a computer scientist, you should have, because every time you submit a Google search, you are using Map/Reduce. Despite growing demand from companies like Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft, few computer science majors have even heard of Map/Reduce, let alone graduate well versed in its use. Unfortunately, several barriers exist to integrating Map/Reduce into computer science curricula. Obtaining a large cluster, configuring it, and installing complicated distributed file system and parallel programing software is difficult, time consuming, and expensive. In the past, Google's solution to this problem has been to ship entire clusters pre-configured with Map/Reduce software to select universities. In essence, Vdoop does same thing, with exactly the same software, except for our clusters are virtual, and hence free.

Trouver à quel paquet appartient un fichier - La solution

by 1 other (via)
Il peut arriver, par exemple quand on compile, que le système nous réclame un fichier précis. Problème: Comment savoir dans quel paquet est disponible ce fichier ?

PHP File Upload Configuration

Though PHP presents a very versatile and user friendly interface for handling file uploads, the default installation is not geared for working with files in excess of 2 Mega Bytes. This article will help you configure your PHP engine for handling such large file transfers.

March 2008

jQuery File Tree

by 1 other
jQuery File Tree is a configurable, AJAX file browser plugin for jQuery. You can create a customized, fully-interactive file tree with as little as one line of JavaScript code.

February 2008

Heartbeat2 Xen cluster with drbd8 and OCFS2

The idea behind the whole set-up is to get a High availability two node Cluster with redundant data. The two identical Servers are installed with Xen hypervisor and almost same configuration as Cluster nodes. The configuration and image files of Xen virtual machines are stored on drbd device for redundancy. Drbd8 and OCFS2 allows simultaneous mounting on both nodes, which is required for live migration of xen virtual machines. This Article describes Heartbeat2 Xen cluster Using Ubuntu (7.10) OS, drbd8 and OCFS2 (Ver. 1.39) File system. Although here Ubuntu is used it can be done in almost same way with Debian

Apsis Gmbh

by 2 others
The Pound program is a reverse proxy, load balancer and HTTPS front-end for Web server(s). Pound was developed to enable distributing the load among several Web-servers and to allow for a convenient SSL wrapper for those Web servers that do not offer it natively. Pound is distributed under the GPL - no warranty, it's free to use, copy and give away. WHAT POUND IS: 1. a reverse-proxy: it passes requests from client browsers to one or more back-end servers. 2. a load balancer: it will distribute the requests from the client browsers among several back-end servers, while keeping session information. 3. an SSL wrapper: Pound will decrypt HTTPS requests from client browsers and pass them as plain HTTP to the back-end servers. 4. an HTTP/HTTPS sanitizer: Pound will verify requests for correctness and accept only well-formed ones. 5. a fail over-server: should a back-end server fail, Pound will take note of the fact and stop passing requests to it until it recovers. 6. a request redirector: requests may be distributed among servers according to the requested URL. Pound is a very small program, easily audited for security problems. It can run as setuid/setgid and/or in a chroot jail. Pound does not access the hard-disk at all (except for reading the certificate file on start, if required) and should thus pose no security threat to any machine.

January 2008

Heartbeat2 Xen cluster with drbd8 and OCFS2 -- Ubuntu Geek

This Article describes Heartbeat2 Xen cluster Using Ubuntu (7.10) OS, drbd8 and OCFS2 (Ver. 1.39) File system. Although here Ubuntu is used it can be done in almost same way with Debian Idea The idea behind the whole set-up is to get a High availability two node Cluster with redundant data. The two identical Servers are installed with Xen hypervisor and almost same configuration as Cluster nodes. The configuration and image files of Xen virtual machines are stored on drbd device for redundancy. Drbd8 and OCFS2 allows simultaneous mounting on both nodes, which is required for live migration of xen virtual machines.

camel's TAGS related to tag file

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