public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from cascamorto with tag social.networking


Le futur du CV | Simple Entrepreneur

by 1 other (via)
Le simple fait d’avoir son profil sur un réseau social professionnel n’est-il plus suffisant ? Pourtant ces services fournissent énormément d’information : membres appartenant à son réseau, éventuelles recommandations, centre d’intérêts via des participations à des groupes, etc. Et si on a été suffisamment consciencieux pour remplir correctement tous les champs, ce fameux profil n’est alors ni plus ni moins qu’un CV. Avec des informations supplémentaires, certes. Mais un très bon CV quand même. Pourtant, j’ai vraiment l’impression qu’il faut aller au-delà aujourd’hui, principalement pour mieux contrôler sa réputation numérique.



Home | Scribd

by 47 others
Scribd lets you publish and discover documents online. It is like a big online library where anyone can upload. We make use of a custom Flash document viewer that lets you display documents right in your Web browser. There are all sorts of other features that make it easy and fun to publish, convert, embed, analyze, and read documents. Part of the idea behind Scribd is that everyone has a lot of documents sitting around on their computers that only they can read. With Scribd we hope to unlock this information by putting it on the web.

Posteet: Store, share and tag your favourite tips, tricks, codes and snippets

by 6 others
# Stockez toutes vos astuces en un seul endroit, accessible de nimporte où. # Partagez vos astuces avec tout le monde, avec vos amis ou gardez les privés. # Taggez vos astuces avec autant de tags que vous souhaitez au lieu de s'embêter avec des catégories.

List of social software - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

by 2 others
This is a list of notable social software: selected examples of social software products and services that facilitate a variety of forms of social human contact. - suivre les empreintes numériques sur les réseaux sociaux

by 2 others
digFoot est un moteur de recherche et un annuaire de réseaux sociaux en tout genre. Vous pourrez ainsi trouver le réseau le plus approprié pour vos échanges et vos relations.

Social bookmarking service. Fast tagging and posting to all major social websites -

by 3 others
Social bookmarking is a powerful tool in promoting a website. But going through all of those social bookmarking sites is very time-consuming and downloading all toolbars is madness! That's where comes in, the free service designed to reduce the time and effort needed to socially bookmark a website.

Mashable! France

by 7 others
Mashable France est un blog exclusivement dédié aux réseaux sociaux et communautés virtuelles. Il est géré par Aziz Haddad (version française) et Pete Cashmore (pour la version anglaise) Experts et passionés de nouveaux medias.


Wink | The Social Search Engine | Bookmark - Tag - Rate

by 25 others
Search social networks for interests, locations, screen names, names, anything! Today, they rolled out another new element: a people search engine for Bebo, MySpace and LinkedIn - it appears under the People tab on the homepage. Wink are doing a complete crawl of these sites, allowing you to find people based on their name, username, location, interests and more. You can also narrow by network, gender, age and whether they’re single or taken. Tracking down your latest crush will likely be one use for this type of search engine - the folks at Bigulo, a Bebo search engine based in Ireland,

Jambo Networks

by 2 others (via)
Social Networking, Peer to Peer, Personal Area Matching


by 15 others
LinkedFeed is not your ordinary AJAXed homepage, it is an automated and customizable information social network. The more you use it, the most accurate news it brings to you and people sharing your interests. LinkedFeed is a mix between an AJAXed homepage, an RSS aggregator, and mostly a social network.

*** L'entraide n'a plus de limite ***

Le site Savoir-Echange vous propose de trouver une personne pouvant vous aider, mais que vous pourrez également aider en retour. Ceci vous permettra d'avoir de bonnes relations durables et constructives sur internet.


by 7 others (via)
hanzo:web is a social webarchiving service

Je digg, tu digg, nous diggons !

Voici 3 clônes français de Digg, qui viennent de voir le jour : TapeMoi, ScooPeo et le tout tout nouveau Fuzz (cf.

*** BlinkList ***

by 114 others
BlinkList is a very fast, powerful and easy to use your online bookmarking manager. Screw folders, BlinkList works the same way the human mind operates. Using tagging, a tag manager, and the ability to star your favorites (tags, links and users) and links, BlinkList offers a far superior way to save, share, and access all the content you discover online.

*** Clipmarks ***

by 41 others
When you find something on the web that you want to save or share, you probably bookmark the page. But you usually don't want the whole page, right? Maybe you just want a couple of paragraphs from a news article, a photo, a recipe, or an excerpt from a blog post. With Clipmarks you can clip and save just the stuff you want from any web page.



by 3 others (via)
Coastr is an experiment in social networking for beer snobs (meant as a compliment, of course!). The basic idea is for you to create a list of your favorite beers, and to connect you with other people with similar tastes. And those connections will help you discover interesting new brews that you might have not known about before. "Social beermarking", if you will.


by 99 others, 1 comment (via)
Ning is the easiest way to create your own social web apps on the Internet today. And it's free!


by 62 others
StumbleUpon lets you search, browse, review and share great sites. Join now to discover interesting new pages and the people who like them.