August 2006
serveur:postfix - Documentation Ubuntu Francophone
(via)ment possible de trier/filtrer le courier avec Procmail, de filtrer le spam avec Spamassassin, de proteger vos utilisateurs des virus avec ClamAV, et de proposer a vos utilisateurs de se connecter à leur boite mail par l"intermédiaire d"un webmail comme Squirrelmail.
July 2006
Virtual Hosting with Postfix, part two | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials
(via)That encrypted password is an MD5 hash of the word 'test'. mkpasswd is a great utility for generating MD5 passwords. The 1000:1000 corresponds to the uid and gid of the "virtual" user we created in Part One. The home directory includes everything but the word before the @ in the email address.
June 2006
April 2006
Idealog: Helpful guide to setting up Linux Debian Postfix Courier SquirrelMail Mail Server
(via)To run Amavis, you’ll have to setup your amavis.conf file. They suggest reading the Postfix install doc for Amavis, /usr/share/doc/amavisd-new/README.postfix.gz.
February 2006
January 2006
Postfix, Mysql , PostfixAdmin , Courier-Imap ,SASL,TLS sur une Debian Sarge - Parmenion
by 1 otherde mème je range tous mes mails dans le répertoire /data/virtual , celui ci appartient a l'utilisateur 'vmail' qui possède les uid/gid 1029 (ce qui coulait de source en lisant la configuration) Le MDA (Mail Distributed Agent) choisi est maildrop dans m
December 2005
Postfix - Hosting Multiple Domains with Virtual Accounts
The virtual mailbox files must be owned by a user account and associated with a group on your system. How your users retrieve their messages determines what the ownership of mailbox files should be. Often, your POP/IMAP server executes under its own accou
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