May 2007
April 2007
Festisite: Personalized money generator
by 2 othersCreate your own personalized money bill at the click of a mouse button, using the following simple steps:
January 2007
August 2006
June 2006
專為網路拍賣 (個人對個人,C2C) 交易所設計的線上付款機制,讓買家可刷卡付拍賣貨款,只要買賣雙方有 E-mail 帳號,就可簡單快速且安全地收付款。
May 2006
Google Trends
by 53 others With Google Trends, you can compare the world's interest in your favorite topics. Enter up to five topics and see how often they've been searched for on Google over time.
March 2006
ダイワインターネットTV Videopodcasting
Google Finance
by 10 othersGoogle Finance is an early beta product that offers a broad range of information about North American stocks, mutual funds and public and private companies along with charts, news and fundamental financial data.
(14 marks)