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PUBLIC MARKS from claire_ with tag clevermarks

December 2010

Home | Data Publica

by 3 others
annuaire des données publiques  identifiées comme disponibles en France, ainsi que les conditions légales sous lesquelles elles sont utilisables.

DataLift - un ascenseur pour vos données

Le Datalift porte les données brutes structurées venant de plusieurs formats (bases de données, CSV, XML) vers des données sémantiques interconnectées sur le Web de données

July 2010

The new face of Drupal - Bartik | Linnovate. Drupal Experts.

Drupal 7 is going to introduce a lot of improvements, many of them regarding the user experience and user interface. in the past few days one of the greatest (and maybe the last) of these changes was committed - a new core theme, and not just a core theme but a new default theme for Drupal - that means that the mythological Garland, after almost four years, gives way to a new, fresh face for the next Drupal release.

gCons: Free All-Purpose Icons for Designers and Developers (100 icons PSD) - Smashing Magazine

a set of free all-purpose 32×32px icons for designers and web developers (100 icons). The icons come in 12 different colors and are available in PSD, PNG, JPG and GIF formats. You can use the set for all of your projects for free and without any restrictions. You can freely use it for both your private and commercial projects, including software, online services, templates and themes.

User Interface Design Framework | Huge GUI elements library for Illustrator | 290 free vectors icons

by 3 others
A free User Interface Design tool for Web Designers • Design faster wireframes and create better mockup deliverables in Illustrator. • Design usable application interface with hundreds of common GUI elements : just drop them from Illustrator Panels or pick them in the library files. • Customize easily the vectors GUI elements to your own needs : you can easily resize, color or tweak their appearance. • Benefit from a consistent UI elements library made by a web designer expert in application interface design

Menu Firstchild |

By default, Drupal 6 requires that you enter a path for each menu link you add/edit from the Menu administration page. There are cases you may want to create a parent item, without any path, that simply links to its first viewable child item. Menu Firstchild provides this functionality.

CKEditor Link - A plugin to easily create links to Drupal internal paths |

This module currently allows to easily create links to Drupal nodes through CKEditor's Link button and dialog. It can be considered as a stable alternative to the experimental and non-recommended Link to content module.

OCTO talks ! » Créer un écosystème ouvert ?

Les grands acteurs de l’Internet font souvent le “pari de la confiance” en proposant des API ouvertes, accessibles depuis le Web. Ces APIs permettent à d’autres acteurs, entreprises ou développeurs indépendants, d’innover en les exploitant, et d’inventer de nouveaux modèles économiques.

Menu Editor |

Menu Editor enhances the menu editing form with inline text fields for title, path and description, and provides placeholders for new items. This way, it reduces the number of page visits needed to create a site's menu structure, and eliminates the need for dummy nodes. This way, it reduces the number of page visits needed to create a site's menu structure, and eliminates the need for dummy nodes.

Drupal Commons, un réseau social avec Drupal ?

Drupal Commons est un profil d'installation orienté "réseau social". DC fait un large usage de Organic Groups, qui permet de créer des groupes d'utilisateurs avec une gestion des membres et de l'administration, des contenus à usage d'un groupe déterminé, etc. User_Relationships permet de créer et qualifier des relations entre utilisateurs. Le module Shoutbox fournit un système de chat intégré. Userpoints permet de distinguer les utilisateurs en leur attribuant des points. Heartbeat rend compte de l'activité des utilisateurs (Untel a rejoint le groupe Truc, Unetelle est désormais amie de Machin...). Le couple Messaging + Notifications est également présent.

June 2010

May 2010

Une faille sur la pseudo-classe :visited - Alsacréations

La toute dernière génération de navigateurs (Firefox 3.7, Chrome 5, Safari 4.0.5) vient subitement de considérablement restreindre l’éventail des propriétés CSS applicables à la pseudo-classe :visited, vieille comme le Web et désignant un lien que l’on a déjà suivi. Les seules propriétés dorénavant tolérées sur cet élément se limitent à la définition des couleurs (color, background-color, border-color, outline-color, column-rule-color, fill, et stroke).

Activity Dashboard |

This module generates a site "dashboard" type feature that can enable site admins to see some top level statistics for their Drupal site illustrated with visually appealing charts, created with a Silverlight library

Les adresses Internet désormais disponibles en arabe -

Les adresses Internet désormais disponibles en arabe

Buzzr | Drupal Made Easy.

Powerful Websites Made Easy. The White House, Sony and The Economist Use Drupal. Now You Can Too.

Views Hacks |

This package contains a set of small Views add-ons that provide useful functionalities. Included are the following modules: Views PHP Access Plugin (views_access_php): Provides a programmable Views access plugin for rapid one-off tasks. Views Filters Auto-submit (views_filters_autosubmit): Auto-submits exposed filters on change. Views Filters Reset (views_filters_reset): Adds a "Reset" button to exposed filters. Views Selective Exposed Filters (views_filters_selective): Restricts exposed filter values to those present in the result set. Views Taxonomy Summary (views_summary_taxonomy): Provides a summary style plugin suitable for displaying hierarchical taxonomies.

April 2010

Announcing Drupal's 2010 Summer of Code students |

This year's Summer of Code projects focus on integrating Drupal with other APIs, improving and updating popular contributed modules, improving security, and helping to build new functionalities that will help keep Drupal at the cutting edge.

Google Calendar API (GCal) |

This module implements the Google Calendar API. The module is intended to be used by other modules who want to import/export to Google calendars.

Drupal site organization, monitoring, management and best practices: Droptor

Finally, an easy way to keep all of your Drupal sites secure, tuned and organized.

March 2010

Table Wizard |

The Table Wizard facilitates dealing with database tables: It allows surfacing any table in the Drupal default database through Views 2. Relationships between the tables it manages can be defined, so views combining data in the tables can be constructed. It performs analysis of the tables it manages, reporting on empty fields, data ranges, ranges of string lengths, etc. It provides an API for other modules to views-enable their tables. It provides an API for importing data into tables in the Drupal default database (automatically doing the views integration above). It is bundled with an implementation of this API, for importing comma- and tab-delimited files.