public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from clarity

February 2017

Vulnerability Registration Service

Vulnerability can affect us all, in fact many celebrities have spoken about their experience in that phase of vulnerability. VRS works in a way to help you dealing with vulnerability and start trusting yourself, and Overcoming Fear. it could be personal or financial. VRS helps vulnerable consumer from initial phase.

February 2016

Is laser hair removal safe?

Removal of unwanted hairs from your body parts are pretty tiresome and expensive too. You must have heard or read about various hair removal treatments which promise innumerable benefits and long time effects. One of the most effective and popular way of getting unwanted hairs from your body parts is Laser hair removal treatment. It is most effective, safe, long lasting and highly effective. In laser treatment, Targeted pulsed light is aimed at the pigment in the hair follicle. The light energy permanently destroys the structure that supports the growth of new hair

January 2016

Can I get rid of body fat without getting under a knife? - Claritymedspa

If you are wondering why stubborn fat that won’t budge, even after diet and exercise, here is a good news for you all to get rid of this fatty stuff out of your body and to come back in shape. A non surgical treatment for fat reduction is safe and more efficient than that of surgical treatment.

What is hangover face?

Hangover face is the term coined by Clarity Medspa for one's skin in the morning after a night of indulgence, lack of sleep, excessive makeup and undue stress etc. There are many factors which are behind hangover face condition and differ from person to person. Hangover face is same as fatigued skin that may appear as: 1. Dry, wrinkled skin. 2. Puffy eyes. 3. Poor colour and lack lustre skin. 4. Dark circles around the eyes. 5. Redness & blotchiness.

October 2015

Understand Skin Laser Treatments

Today’s laser skin treatment options are plentiful. Unlike years past where recovery periods could be long or where patients were concerned about explaining the healing process to friends, most laser treatments are now done comfortably and with little or no downtime – laser resurfacing is easier, better, and safer than ever. According to Chantal Ward, RN and Aesthetic Clinical Trainer, “Patients can have a wide range of conditions treated including wrinkles, sun damage, uneven pigmentation, scars, freckles, and birthmarks. With treatment options for almost every budget, most patients I consult with are pleasantly surprised at what can be done to repair skin and restore confidence.” Laser and light therapies such as Fraxel, Pixel, IPL (Photo Facial Rejuvenation) continue to be the most popular light-based therapies, as results are consistent.

July 2015

How can you treat excess fat in stubborn areas?

You can get rid of excess stubborn fat from your body if you follow this do's and dont's- 1. Do regular workout. 2. Perform cardio exercises that elevates heart rate. 3. Watch your diet; Eat a healthy diet, focusing on vegetables, fruits and lean protein. 4. Don't indulge in fast food. Avoid unhealthy and greasy foods. 5. Don't lend a sedentary lifestyle. 6. Speak to your physician before starting a diet.

Use LED light to fight aging.

Using LED light therapy you can help yourself preventing aging process and keep skin intact. LED therapy is painless and even comforting which fights with multiple skin disorders within same time. It boost collagen production. this therapy helps in moderate acne, controlling inflammation and reducing bacteria. LED light therapy either prevents or reverses the damage as you are BUILDING collagen which keeps your skin supple and youthful.

June 2015

Body fat can be destroyed by freezing technique.

CoolSclupting is a body shaping treatment that freezes bad fat , and eliminates it naturally from body. No needles or special diet is required for this treatment. Bad Fat of your body is known as stubborn fat for a reason, because how much you try to eliminate it from your body it remains there and it is vitually impossible to loose fat from such following areas: 1. Muffin Top. 2. Love handles. 3. Mummy tummy. 4. Belly pouch. 5. Saddle bags. 6. Bra fat. In Coolsclupting only fat cells are destroyed leaving tissue healthy and intact. No incisions, scars, or invasive hoses. Once crystallized the fat cells die and are naturally eliminated from your body in a few months, resulting in a smoother and less bulky appearance.

Skincare Tips for Golfers

It is common for golfers to lament of skin issues and for most, concern(s) focus on sun damage, fine lines, wrinkles, dehydration, chronic redness or the appearance of fatigued skin. For others, the ill effects of being outdoors can be as serious as pre-cancerous cells or even melanoma.

May 2015

Women's Facial Hair: Blame your hormones

OK. Ladies, has this ever happened to you? You look in the mirror and spot a dark, thick hair on your chin or upper lip. Aghast, you immediately pluck it. It grows back. You pluck it again. It grows back again, only this time you swear it’s darker and thicker. What’s going on? You’re not alone. The bad news is that it’s all too common among most women. The good news is that it’s almost always benign. First, it’s a myth that plucking hairs causes them to grow in darker or thicker. These hairs are coarser and thicker because they are secondary sexual characteristic hairs; that is, they are the result of hormonal changes. They’re not unlike male facial hair, which is also coarse. These hairs appear thicker and darker than fine vellus hairs (peach fuzz) because they’re a different type of hair, not because of tweezing. Most women develop these hairs on the chin, jaw line, and upper lip. Though these hairs can appear at any age, they’re more prominent after menopause. They can also be the result of hormonal changes due to issues ranging from birth control pills and pregnancy to irregular periods and hormonal imbalances.

Common skin disorders in canadian skin

Although skin benefits from maintaining good nutrition, circulation, and external care, there are situations where your skin may have a disorder that good skin care can’t prevent. Many skin disorders are caused by underlying medical disorders and diseases, including: 1. diabetes 2. liver disease 3. heart disease 4. lupus 5. blood vessel diseases, such as arteriosclerosis 6. stress 7. obesity Interestingly, skin disorders are common among the elderly, so it is often difficult to tell normal aging changes from those related to a skin disorder. More than 90% of the elderly have some type of skin disorder. As the skin is the largest organ in the body, any disease that affects the body is very likely to have symptoms showing on the skin. Some dermatologic diseases are caused by medical diseases, and when the diseases are not treated the skin component of the disease can get worse. A good example of this is diabetes. If the diabetes is well controlled there are usually relatively few problems with the skin.

Top 10 food for great skin which keeps your skin younger and glowing

To get a great flawless skin, you don't need to rely on expensive beauty products, which have a side-effect too. But you can maintain a good skin by just keeping an eye on your diet and lifestyle. Here is a list of 10 best foods which can do miracle to your skin health. 1. Dark Chocolate- Dark chocolate contains a high level of flavonols, which is a great antioxidants. To get a luminosity to your skin, you should eat dark chocolate which is 70% cocoa and two square a day are enough. 2. Yogurt- The protein you get from dairy product is good for your skin as it makes it firm and resistant to wrinkles, so eat a cup daily to make your skin much smoother. 3. Pomegranates- pomegranates are filled with polyphenol antioxidants, it removes radicals and improves blood flow and gives rosiness to your skin. 4. Walnuts- Walnuts may look harder from outside, but it softens your skin, because it has natural omega-3 fatty acids whch improves skin's elasticity, so now snack on a handful of walnuts daily to regulate your skin. 5. Peppers- Women who eat green and yellow vegetables are tend to have lesser wrinkles, specially around the eyes. antioxidant properties of such vegetables decreases the skin's sensitivity to the sunlight. 6. Sunflower seeds- Loaded with vitamin E, sunflower seeds keep your skin supple by protecting its top layers from the sun. Eat a handful daily. 7. Kidney beans- They're high in zinc, and studies indicate a correlation between blemishes and low zinc levels. Have a four-ounce serving of kidney beans to help you stay in the clear. In addition, studies show topical zinc to be as effective against acne as antibiotics are. 8. Soy- Drink a latte with soy milk or eat edamame and you may get a clearer complexion. Soy contains minerals and proteins that have been shown to reduce hyperpigmentation. 9. Oatmeal- Steel-cut oatmeal is less processed than other varieties, so it retains more vitamins. "Plus, it takes longer to break down in your body, which helps keep your blood sugar stable. This is important because studies found that spiked blood sugar elevates your body's level of androgens, hormones that can contribute to wrinkles. 10. Green Tea- It's very high in antioxidants, particularly one named EGCG, which is proved to reduce redness,Studies have also demonstrated that green tea helps fight inflammation.

What are Serum and why shoule we use it?

We all know Serum as some medical product which are used for skincare and hair problems, but what we don't know is that serums are water soluble, anti-oxidants and acidic in nature. It works better and faster then other products like cream or lotions. Although serums can be wondrous, they are just one piece of the healthy skin puzzle. Most serums don’t hydrate, which is why a serum + moisture combination is ideal. Moisturiser leaves a fine film on the skin and acts as a seal while the serum allows the key ingredients to penetrate deeper. When time allows, let the serum sit for 10-15 minutes before applying moisturiser.

April 2015

Exilis Elite™- Facial Skin Tightening

As candles on our birthday cake increase, our desire to look youthful remains and we spend our hard earned money on various beauty products which are priced high, but with fewer benefits. Offering a more comfortable and affordable alternative to Thermage, Exilis™ stimulates and strengthens the collagen network to improve skin laxity and texture painlessly.

What is skin aging and how sun exposure plays a part in it?

Do you understand why does your skin becomes tanned with your increasing years and loses its shine, then your answer is excessive exposure to sun, because even a few minutes under sun can cause your skin to age prematurely and gradually results are highly recognizable. In dermatology, premature skin aging through sun is known as "PHOTO AGING". Those who have fair skin are more vulnerable to severe damage, than dark skinned individuals, but it does not mean that dark skinned people are exempt from the negative effects of the sun! Scientific researches dictate that with repeated exposure to sun, the skin loses its repair itself efficiently. The symptoms of photoaging are- *Deep course wrinkles. *Discolouration. *Dryness. *Sagging skin. *dilated or broken blood vessels close to the surface of the skin. For more information please go through the link.

March 2015

FERN EXTRACT - the next ingredient for your skin care

FERN is a tropical plant which is known for its herbal qualities for hundreds of years, natives of honduras used to apply it on sunburn, tumors , psoriasis and other skin problems. The western world came to know about it about 40 years ago when its effects were first published in NATURE. Since then many researchers have worked upon its medical qualities and results are astonishing. The fern extract can be used as anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-cancer and antioxidant etc. Chantal Ward, who is a aesthetic nurse, clinical trainer and owner of clarity medspa says," This fern was able to evolve successfully from an aquatic plant to a land-based plant over millions of years, and this is truly remarkable". To know more please go through the link.

Why topical vitamin C is good for healthy skin

Topical Vitamin C plays a very important role to make your skin healthier and resilient. Vitamin C however, when manufactured into a STABLE formulation is proven highly effective in protecting against photo-aging of the skin. Topical Vitamin C helps your skin to Improve the appearance by reducing fine lines and wrinkles. As Vitamin C help to produce the collagen, and gives your skin its elasticity. Collagen is the reason why wrinkle begin to form. It breaks down as we age and so wrinkles begin to form. Vitamin C helps your skin to fight against wrinkles by increasing collagen production. Vitamin C helps your skin to fight with UV and sun damage. It protects against or lessens the severity of sunburns. Vitamin C save for any skin type. To know more please keep reading through the link.

Acne Laser Treatment and Pore Purification - ISOLAZ

Acne is a skin condition that usually affects face, neck, nose, chest, back and shoulder. This skin condition goes mild to worsen if left untreated. There are many treatments for such skin condition, what most dermatologist recommend to treat Acne Pimples & Prevent scars is ISOLAZ which uses a revolutionary combination of vacuum and broadband light (BBL) to heal your skin from this condition. It removes skin blockages and dead cells along with blackheads and drain pores. Your skin will feel smoother and a noticeable difference even from first session. With some pre and post protection (sun protection) you are able to resume your normal activity. To know more please keep reading through site.

Rosacea And Sun Damage Treatment - Facts, Triggers & Solutions

Rosacea is most common problem and over 17 million people in north American are affected with rosacea. There are too many factors that contributes to rosacea, and the most common comes with either slightly facial redness or dark redness with bumps and pimples. Both categories are briefly defined here with rosacea treatment. For a free consultation OR any skincare guideline please go to the link.

How to treat & prevent stretch marks and scars

As Study says a large no of women (60-70%) are affected by stretch marks during pregnancy. This blog is about how to take care of these scars, product to use and study on it.

I am pregnant and my skin is producing dark patches. Is this Normal?

It is not uncommon for pregnant women to develop dark blotchy areas on their faces and although Melasma, also known as “pregnancy mask” is more likely to occur with women of darker complexions, it can also occur in those with lighter skin. If melasma or hyper-pigmentation runs in your family, you too are at risk of developing melasma. Additionally, if you have had discolouration with any one pregnancy, you have a greater chance that it will reappear, even more severely, with each pregnancy thereafter.

Teenage Acne is common but are there acne treatments that can help my skin clear-up?

You’re not alone. In fact, over 60+ million Americans & Canadians suffer from acne and unfortunately many have difficulty find a treatment that works. For many individuals, exfoliants, microdermabrasion and chemical peels can provide noticeable benefits, as exfoliating helps clear pores of dead skin, dirt, and oil. With safe techniques, exfoliating at home or treatments in a professional environment can unplug pores, allowing subsequent treatments and products to work more effectively.

How to manage dry skin?

Are you noticing seasonal changes in your skin? If so, you are not alone! Here are a few simple adjustments to your daily skin routine to ensure skin feels smooth and soft.

Are You Overwhelmed?

Are you curious or perhaps overwhelmed with the infinite array of lasers, treatments, lotions, creams, surgical and non-surgical treatment options? If yes, you have come to the right place! As our guest at Clarity Medspa & Laser Centre, you will benefit from the expertise & knowledge of Chantal Ward, RN. Even though Chantal has 25+ years of Nursing/Medical Equipment/Medical Aesthetics experience she continually attends symposiums and workshops worldwide, to ensure she “is on the pulse” and able to share with her clients.

Face Lift or Fillers – What should I do?

Plastic Surgeons are embracing the use of Injectable Fillers to give patients needed volume as well to “restore shape to the face”. With aging it is inevitable that one one will lose volume in the face, making Fillers one of the most popular anti-aging treatments. The beauty of fillers is they immediately replenish lost volume and can naturally stimulate ones one own collagen with very predictable results. Fillers are ideal for smoothing out lines and creases that have formed on the face and even the hands. This article is best describing the solution for this mostly common problem in people.