public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from clochix with tag ajax

January 2007

AFLAX: AJAX Library for Flash

by 11 others
AFLAX stands for Asynchronous Flash and XML. AFLAX is a development methodology which combines Ajax and Flash to create more dynamic web based applications. AFLAX is available as a library that enables developers to use JavaScript to fully utilize all of the features of Adobe's Flash runtime -- including graphics, networking, video and camera support.


by 5 others
MySQLPHPGrid puts data from a MySQL table in a configurable grid on a webpage. The grid supports sorting of columns, editing of cells, adding rows, deleting rows and pagination. You can display a full MySQL table, or just a subset of a table.

XML Matters: Ajax tradeoffs: The many flavors of XML

Which is the right way to encode your data for your application ? Article sur les différents formats utilisables pour formater des données utilisées en AJAX

TIBCO General Interface™ Ajax Rich Internet Application Resource Center

by 1 other
Libraries and visual tooling for creating Ajax Rich Internet Applications (Ajax RIA)

November 2006

Main Page - Ajax Patterns

by 45 others began as a collection of design patterns, which formed the basis of the book, Ajax Design Patterns, and grew into a publicly editable wiki on anything and everything Ajax.

New Technologies for Ajax and Web Application Development: Project jMaki, Project Dynamic Faces, and Project Phobos

This is the first in a series of introductory articles about new projects that make developing interactive and dynamic web applications easier. Project jMaki and Project Dynamic Faces make it easier to add Ajax functionality -- a technology that includes but is not limited to Asynchronous JavaScript and XML -- to your web applications. The Phobos project allows you to develop web applications using a scripting language, which can allow for more rapid development

October 2006

Actualité --- Silicon FR --- W3C met en place l'accès des sites Web aux handicapés

Le W3C publie une suite de documents pour permettre aux développeurs de créer du contenu Web enrichi et accessible aux personnes handicapées avec les technologies telles qu'AJAX ou DHTML

Roadmap for Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA Roadmap)

The Roadmap for Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA Roadmap) addresses the accessibility of dynamic Web content for people with disabilities. The roadmap outlines the technologies to map controls, AJAX live regions, and events to accessibility APIs, including custom controls used for Rich Internet Applications. The roadmap also outlines new navigation techniques to mark common Web structures as menus, primary content, secondary content, banner information and other types of Web structures. These new technologies can be used to improve the accessibility and usability of Web resources by people with disabilities, without extensive modification to existing libraries of Web resources.

Ajax/Javascript: 8 Ways to Create Graphics on the Fly

by 2 others
8 solutions pour gréer des graphiques à la volée: SVG, Canvas, chargement d'images générées sur le serveur, VML, via un plugin...

clochix's TAGS related to tag ajax

accessibility +   actionscript +   apache +   application +   Aria +   atom +   cheatsheet +   crud +   css +   data +   design_pattern +   directory +   Dynamic_Faces +   ECMAScript +   firefox +   flash +   floss +   format +   google +   graphics +   html +   ide +   java +   javascript +   jmaki +   json +   library +   linux +   mysql +   perl +   phobos +   php +   python +   ria +   ruby +   sun +   tool +   w3c +   WAI +   web +   xhtml +   xml +