public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from clochix with tag "web software"

18 October 2006

ECCO - Web-based IDE

by 3 others
ECCO is an online programming development environment with file manager, console interface for compiling and execution of code and an editor with syntax highlighting, tabs and support for many languages which is accessed using a browser.

13 October 2006

Office 2.0 Database

by 41 others
Database of "office 2.0" products: bookmarks, calendar, desktop, mail, feed readers, instant messenger, project management, word processing, spreadsheets, task manager, time tracking, and so on

clochix's TAGS related to tag "web software"

bureautique 2.0 +   directory +   ide +   office 2.0 +   programmation +   rĂ©pertoire +   web 2.0 +