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PUBLIC MARKS from communismisdead with tag email

April 2006, the best resource for PHP tutorials, templates, PHP manuals, content management systems, scripts, classes and more.

by 1 other (via)
Anyone who has an email address can tell you that spam is one of the great banes of the online world. But it's not only distant servers owned by the spammers that are to blame. It may even be your very own server. Insecure PHP scripts have provided great opportunities for spammers to abuse other's resources to send out their spam. In particular, it's the mail() function that can be abused. I myself was the target a few months ago when I noticed spam being sent from an old form on my server that I'd forgotten about. This month's article looks at techniques that can be used to harden your mail form, and reduce the chances of it being misused.

November 2005

Postfix, Postgrey, RBL, Amavisd-new, ClamAV & SpamAssassin: protéger le potager des assauts carnés répétés, ou mise en place d'un système antispam - - passé/futur

by 2 others (via)
Le présent texte propose d'abord une vision d'ensemble non-technique, afin que toute personne - novice inclue - puisse se faire une idée des processus à l'oeuvre et découvre quelques unes des techniques qui se cachent derrière le traîtement automatisé de son courrier. Il est suivi d'une prise de note - technique, cette fois - récapitulant les étapes importantes de l'installation.

communismisdead's TAGS related to tag email

guide +   php +   serveurs +   spam +