public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from cph_info with tags homoeopathy & gambling

29 January 2007 14:30

What are the options available to both the decision makers. in terms of how health / sickness resources are allocated and to people with a ‘gambling’ problem?

The NHS has become a tool of the pharmaceuticals - creating a market is what modern drug research is all about. What better way to increase profits than to corner a market where no individual has to pay but The Government (i.e the taxpayer) has to keep digging deeper to support a National Sickness Service. Many people still believe that medicine (and hence the NHS) is a noble pursuit, dedicated to curing humankind’s ills. But the reality is that ‘cure’ is passé. According to expert ‘We sometimes joke that when you’re doing a clinical trial, there are two possible disasters. The first disaster is if you kill people. The second disaster is if you cure them. The truly good drugs are the ones you can use chronically for a long, long time.’